monasca-docker is home for two pipelines, one for processing metrics and the other one for processing logs. Each pipeline requires a set of services to be complete.
Metrics pipeline requires the following services to be launched or available (providing they are hosted externally):
- launches monasca-agent-forwarderagent-collector
- launches monasca-agent-collectorzookeeper
- launches Zookeeperinfluxdb
- launches InfluxDBkafka
- launches Kafkathresh
- launches monasca-threshmonasca-sidecar
- launches monasca-sidecarmonasca-persister
- launches monasca-persistermonasca
- launches monasca-apimysql
- launches MySQLkeystone
- launches Keystonememcached
- launches memcachemonasca-notification
- launches monasca-notificationgrafana
- launches Grafanacadvisor
- launched cadvisor
Some of the services require initialization prior to launching, hence the following are available:
- mysql-init for
- kafka-init for
- influxdb-init for
- grafana-init for
There is also:
- that can be used to pre-create some alarm-definitions and notification-methods.
Logs pipeline requires the following services to be launched or available (providing they are hosted externally):
- launches monasca-log-metricslog-api
- launches monasca-log-apilog-persister
- launches monasca-log-persisterkibana
- launches Kibanalog-transformer
- launches monasca-log-transformerelasticsearch
- launches ElasticSearch
Some of the services require initialization prior to launching, hence the following are available:
- elasticsearch-init for
- kafka-log-init for
The majority of services that are part of monasca-docker require one
or more additional services. The way to find out what dependencies a service has, is to open
docker-compose.yml or log-pipeline.yml
(depends on the service) and check if its definition contains depends_on
For example:
Kafka from docker-compose.yml definition is:
image: monasca/kafka:${MON_KAFKA_VERSION}
- zookeeper
It depends_on
on Zookeeper. That means that either: