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This package provides a command line wrapper for which could make a daemon service using a few lines of code on morden systems like Linux(systemv, upstart and systemd), Windows, Darwin and FreeBSD.

The daemon provides install, remove, start, stop and status commands to help you install or remove service scripts, start or stop the service and get the running status of the service respectively by injecting the sub command line just like nginx -s:

daemon [-s signal]

  -s signal : Send signal to a master process: install, remove, start, stop, status

How to Use

Here we use a simple hello web server for example:

import (

var port = flag.Int("p", 8080, "server port")

func main() {
		func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
			io.WriteString(w, "hello, world!\n")
	http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", *port), nil)

If we want to make it as a daemon, install this package using following commands:

go get

then import it to your project:

import ""

We would have to invoke the sub command "-s" using flag:

var _ = flag.String("s", daemon.UsageDefaultName, daemon.UsageMessage)

where the UsageDefaultName is set as status for the sub command's default.

To daemonize the hello world server above, we can just new a daemon like this

d := daemon.Make("-s", "httpdaemon", "simple http daemon service")

then move the hello world server's original main func code into the daemon's Run() function

d.Run(func() {
  // hello world server's original main func code here

Full code can be found at here.

Operation Guide

Command line arguments would be parsed as following:

$ httpdaemon -h

Usage of httpdaemon:
  -p int
        server port (default 8080)
  -s string
        Send signal to a master process: install, remove, start, stop, status (default "status")

To install the daemon on port 80

httpdaemon -s install -p 80

to start or stop the daemon

httpdaemon -s start
httpdaemon -s stop

to get status of the daemon

httpdaemon -s
httpdaemon -s status

to remove the daemon

httpdaemon -s remove