yet another javascript swagger package generate tool, using axios written in pure go. CI ready, you can generate and publish a npm package without node env.
just one command to generate a [email protected] using the pet-store swagger and publish it to your registry:
js-swagger-sdk-gen -f -n pet-store-api -v 1.0.9 -p
in this example
specifies the path of swagger-n
specifies the npm package name-v
indicates the package version should be v1.0.9-p
tells the command to publish to you default registry using the settings in.npmrc
you can try this generated pet store package at
following example shows how to use the pet-store-api to get all the pending pets.
const axios = require("axios");
const { default: createAxios } = require("pet-store-api");
const { setDomain, findPetsByStatus } = require("pet-store-api");
// init axios and set domain
// print all the pending pets
;(async function () {
const pets = await findPetsByStatus({ status: "pending" });
- swagger's OperationID as function name in the generated code, support both commonJS and ES module
- publish the generated package directly onto your registry
- pure go implementation without any dependency, yes, you can make and publish a npm package without node env.
- small binary size ~3m friendly on CI/CD env.
- with
option to output a swagger-ui dest folder for documentation serving
for more options, try the --help
> js-swagger-sdk-gen --help
js-swagger-sdk-gen [OPTIONS]
Generate and publish a JavaScript SDK using axios with given swagger v2 specification.
Application Options:
-f, --file= swagger file, support both local and remote json/yaml files (default: ./swagger.json)
-t, --target= target dir to generate the SDK (default: ./)
-p, --publish publish to the registry directly, if set, the tarball will not write to the target dir
--ui= generate swagger ui to this dir for distribution
SDK Package Options:
-n, --pkg-name= sdk name, required, default from swagger's info.x-package-name
-v, --pkg-version= sdk version, required, default from swagger's version
--pkg-description= sdk description, default from swagger's info.description
--pkg-author-name= sdk author name, default from swagger's
--pkg-author-email= sdk author email, default from swagger's
--pkg-homepage= sdk homepage, default from swagger's info.x-homepage
--pkg-license= sdk license, default from swagger's info.license
NPM Registry Options:
--registry-url= npm registry url to publish the SDK, default from .npmrc [$NPM_REGISTRY_URL]
--registry-token= npm registry token to publish the SDK, default from .npmrc [$NPM_REGISTRY_TOKEN]
Miscellaneous Options:
--version display application version
--verbose verbose the output
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message