Portfolio template using VueJs framework, CosmicJS API and Bootstrap
Live demo with my personnal data here !
- Builded with VueJs framework β¨
- One page layout β¨
- Material design β¨
- Bootstrap 4.5 & SCSS β¨
- Responsive β¨
- Animated layout β¨
- Content managed with CosmicJS API β¨
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
This template have a CMS support with CosmicJS. You can easily put your content there by creating and linking your CosmicJS account.
In order to customize your portfolio, you must create a CosmicJS account and a new fresh bucket on it. Once done, you must update credentials of the .env file.
To do this, you just have to modify the variables contained in the ENV file (API token, bucket slug and read key).
# CosmicJS
After that, you need to create the object type and data we will use. To do that properly and easily, you can import the json file, located inside the data folder of this repo, by accessing import/export settings inside your bucket settings page.
Now, you can customize it with your data through CosmicJS interface!
π€ Hugo Bollon
- Github: @hbollon
- LinkedIn: @Hugo Bollon
- Portfolio: hugobollon.me
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
Give a βοΈ if this project helped you!
This project is under MIT license.