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Fixes to be considered in next version

Vikram Jit Singh edited this page Nov 27, 2023 · 20 revisions

The following fixes need to be considered when working on v2:

  • Url key naming convention. There should be a standard naming convention differentiating between a relative url and an absolute url.
  • Revisit pagination.
  • Instead of using product-category in product should we use the category object itself or maybe like a category-lite type object? Not that important though.
  • product-content has type field names as SUMMARY_HTML, HIGHLIGHTS_HTML etc. These should be SUMMARY, HIGHLIGHTS etc. html may not be the only content type inside product-content.
  • Currently pricing contains fees. Fees should be separately specified in other fields. #NeedsDiscussion.
  • product-listing contains price. product also contains price. There are quite some similarities. See if product-listing even makes sense to exist. #NeedsDiscussion
  • Booking API usage of POST & PUT just seems incorrect. PUT is typically used to create a new entry whereas POST is used to update. Over here it is the opposite. Plus both should return the complete resource.
    • This is incorrect.
    • We may want to consider Price models being used which contain currencyCode and value to depict any price.

Feature requests:

  • Translations of content
  • Languages of the guide of tour.
  • City object should contain country and coordinates.
  • Content to have either text or markdown.
  • A webhook feature to ping whenever a booking status changes.
  • Experience list filtering using rating, price, location.