Hold the scripts for deploying a private CS GO server in a VM.
Supported environments:
- libvirt/kvm
- CLI - command line interface.
- csgo - Counter Strike Global Offence.
- GSLT - Game Server Login Token.
- steamcmd - steam CLI client.
- enable 'in-game developer console'
- How to Use RCON on a Counter-Strike: GO Server
- n the Game Settings, locate the Enable Developer Console setting and set this to Yes.
- press ~
- rcon_password <var.csgo_server_rcon_password>
- rcon_status
- login to the VM
- sudo -i
- su - steam
- ~/csgo_git_repo/csgo_scripts/run_cs2_server.sh
- ssh in as ansible
- sudo -
- su - steam
- cd ~/csgo_app
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/steam/steamcmd/linux32
- time steamcmd +force_install_dir ~/csgo_app/ +login STEAM_LOGIN STEAM_PASSWORD +app_update 730 validate +quit ~ 145 minutes.
call it 'private_deploy_azure.sh'
the .gitignore has been set-up to ignore files starting with 'private_'.
terraform apply \
-var csgo_client_access_password="AccessPassword"\
-var csgo_server_rcon_password="RemoteConsolePassword"\
-var csgo_one_for_local_zero_for_global="0"\
-var csgo_server_name="MyServerName"\
-var csgo_steam_server_token="The_GLST_TokenIHaveFromSteam"
To get the GLST see: Steam Game Server Account Management
- azure_subscription_id -
az account show --query id -o tsv
the following info is generated from az ad sp create-for-rbac --name terraform_op --role Contributor --scopes /subscriptions/$subscriptionID/resourceGroups/$resourceGroup
- azure_csgo_tenant_id - tenant
- client_id - appId
- client_secret - password
Store this file as 'private_variables.tf' in the azure_cloud directory, with the other .tf files.
variable azure_subscription_id {
type = string
description = ""
default = "xxxx"
variable azure_csgo_tenant_id {
type = string
description = "azure tenant id for the csgo group"
default = "xxxx"
variable client_id {
type = string
description = ""
default = "xxx"
variable client_secret {
type = string
description = ""
default = "xxxx"
variable my_public_ip {
type = string
description = "the public ip address of my local machine"
# ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -q -f private_admin_id_rsa
# cat private_admin_id_rsa.pub
variable admin_public_ssh_key {
type = string
description = "the public ssh key for the admin account"
default = "ssh-rsa xxx"
git clone https://github.com/henkoch/csgo_server.git
- cd csgo_server/terraform
- make base
- This will download an ubuntu cloud image and expand it to 10GB.
- ./deploy_to_libvirt.sh
- ssh -i tf-cloud-init ansible@VM_IP_ADDR
Please see the Dockerfile
Running a Counter Strike Global Offensive Server on Ubuntu 18.04
su - steam
/usr/games/steamcmd +force_install_dir /data/steam/csgo_app +login anonymous +app_update 740 validate +quit
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib32:/data/steam/csgo/bin
/data/steam/csgo_app/srcds_linux --version
/data/steam/csgo_app/srcds_linux -game csgo -usercon -net_port_try 1 -tickrate 128 -nobots +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_active +map de_mirage
docker build --tag csgo:0.1.3 .
mkdir ~/Downloads/steam_data
docker run -it --volume ${HOME}/Downloads/steam_data:/data/steam/Steam --volume ${HOME}/Downloads/csgo_app:/data/steam/csgo_app --volume ${HOME}/Dropbox/Sources/Servers/csgo_server/csgo_scripts:/data/steam/csgo_scripts csgo:0.1.3 bash
- TODO put this as a copy in the Dockerfile, once this works
su - steam
/usr/games/steamcmd +force_install_dir /data/steam/csgo_app/ +login anonymous +app_update 740 validate +quit
- currently it downloads about 33GB of data.
- autoexec.cfg - This file is executed before the first map starts.
- server.cfg - This file is executed every map change, and before the gamemode files.
- gamemodes_server.txt - This file allows the server administrator to customize each game mode for their own server. It overrides and defaults set by Valve in gamemodes.txt.
- gamemode_casual_server.cfg - used for overriding the configurations that valve have put into gamemode_casual.cfg
Map name prefix seems to indicate the type of game it becomes
- cs_ - Hostage/Rescue (original counter-strike mode)
- de_ - demolition? or is it deathmatch?
- ar_ - arms race?
- dz_ - dangerzone
TODO can I use this command to switch mode?
map <mapname> survival
- changelevel dz_blacksite survival
You can mix rescue and demolition, but not arms race.
- mp_maxrounds
- 5 ?
- set the win limit to the same
- mp_friendlyfire
- mp_roundtime
- mp_timelimit
- mp_allowNPCs
- mp_teams_unbalance_limit
- mp_respawnwavetime
- mp_roundtime_hostage
- mp_freezetime
- 6
- seconds from start of game until you can move, gives older players some help.
- 10 seconds feels too long.
- 6
- ?? warmuptime, 60
- to give slower load machines a change to get in, until the game actually starts.
- mp_disable_respawn_times
- mp_disable_respawn_times
- mp_friendlyfire
- mp_limitteams
- mp_teamplay
- mp_autoteambalance