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Instituition: icipe
i am at the OpenScienceKE to learn and learn.
Institution: icipe & University of Venda,SA
I am at the East Africa OpenScienceKE to learn.
Instituition: UoN
I am at the Esat African Science to learn and train.
Instituition: ICIPE
I am at the East Africa Open Science Tour to learn open science and GitHub use.
I am at the OpenScienceKE to learn and train.
Instituition: ICIPE
I am at the East Africa Open Science Tour to learn on Open Science tools.
Instituition: UON
I am at the East Africa Open Science Tour to learn and train on Open Science Tools
Instituition: ICIPE
Instituition: JKUAT
I am at the East Africa Open Science Tour to learn and train on Open Science Tools
Made first fork
I am at the East Africa Open Science tour to learn and train on the Open Science Forum
Institution: PU
I am at Pwani University Programming class
Pwani University
Instituition: Pwani University
I'm a student at Pwani
Finally forked.
A great feeling