- 🚀 Upcoming Intern @ SAC, ISRO
- 🏢 Intern @ Invisible Studios
- 💻 Ex-Fullstack Intern @ PlayTheory Labs
- 🏗️ Founder @ DevDotCom
- 👥 Core Team Member @ GDG Kolkata
- 🧑🎓 Student of Computer Science and Enginnering
- 🏆 Winners of Smart India Hackathon 2024 (ISRO)
- 🥇 Winner of StatusCode0(MLH Hackathon)
- Typescript, Javascript, Go, Python, C++, C
- Nodejs, Flask
- Nextjs, Reactjs, React Native, Threejs
- Supabase, MongoDB, FireStore, PostgreSQL, MySQL
- AWS, Azure, Vercel, GCP
- ...get to know me first;)