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Guidelines for Swiss IG Development

Michaela Ziegler edited this page May 23, 2023 · 5 revisions

1. Swiss IG's

IG Template

Use the HL7 Switzerland IG template for IG Publisher as outlined here.

Publication on

If you want to publish an IG on, please contact Michaela Ziegler, technical manager of ([email protected]). will perform the publication process, for which the following requirements apply:

  • You need to be member of HL7 Switzerland that an IG will be published under (e.g. For IG's which are under the governance of the publication is according to the ballot process (ig for ballot will be published and if after ballot a new version will be published).
  • The IG is available on a public GitHub repository.
    • For compatibility with the publication pipeline, your default branch must be named master, not main.
  • The CI build of the IG works.
  • The QA has no errors. If errors cannot be resolved, for example due to dependencies, this should be documented in the repository by an issue.
  • Provide a 'Change Log' with all the significant changes, open and closed issues from the ballot, linked in the STU Note box (see example here).
  • Providing the information that will be listed on, see also the existing examples:
  • The published IG will be listed on in the corresponding section of the publisher.
  • The IG is also published in the official FHIR package registry.

If you publish an IG that has been balloted by HL7 Switzerland, please note the additional requirements:

  • Add a 'STU Note' box on the index.html page (see example here).
  • Add the 'HL7 Switzerland' and 'FHIR' logo to the IG, see note.
  • The IG repository is hosted under
  • On the IG is linked in the section 'Swiss Implementation Guides by HL7 Switzerland'.

2. Use of 'Must Support'

Current proposal to describe the usage of 'Must Support' in Swiss dependent IG's if a more specific 'Must Support' usages is not defined:

  • If a Minimal Data Set is provided by IPAG or IPS, those elements should be also defined as 'Must Support' in Swiss IG's.
  • The behaviour should be considered from IHE with the use of R2 as defined in Appendix Z: R2 Required if known. If the sending application has data for the element, it is required to populate the element with a non-empty value. If the value is not known, the element may be omitted. A receiving application may ignore the information conveyed by the element. A receiving application shall not raise an error solely due to the presence or absence of the element.

Issue #99

3. Reference to CH Core and/or CH EPR Core profiles?

All references which are not defined as a datatype the relationship to CH Core has to be profiled or it has to be made explicit if there is a reason. Reference

CH EPR Core profiles are additional constraints on the CH Core profiles if the resources are used within the document exchange formats in the context of the Swiss Electronic Patient Record (EPR). In EPR exchange documents (bundles) the Composition resource should refer to EPR core profiles for e.g. EPR PractitionerRole, EPR Practitioner, EPR Patient, EPR Organization etc. In all other profiled resources, even if the profile is used within the EPR exchange formats, references to CH core profiles should be used as a target profile (not using the EPR constraints), in that way the profiles can be reused within CH Core or dependent implementation guides (e.g. a MedicationStatement in the Medication Card has in the subject a targetProfile with CH Core Patient).

(Reference Wed, 21.04.2021 Telco