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Strict and fair parameter papa

npm install paparam


Use paparam exports to compose commands together:

const { header, footer, command, flag, arg, summary, description, rest, validate } = require('paparam')
const run = command(
  summary('Run an app from a link'),
  description('Run an app from a file link (or path) or from a pear link.\nOptionally supply store for custom store path'),
  flag('--store|-s [path]', 'store path'),
  flag('--tmp-store', 'use tmp store path'),
  arg('<link>', 'link to run'),
  validate(({ flags }) => !( && flags.tmpStore), '--store and --tmp-store cannot be used together'),
  () => console.log('ACTION ->', 'run',, 'with store',
const cmd = command('pear', summary('pear cli'), header('Welcome to the IoP'), footer(' | |'), run)
cmd.parse(['--help']) // print pear help
cmd.parse(['run', '-h']) // print run help
cmd.parse(['run', '-s', '/path/to/store', 'pear://link']) // exec run command
cmd.parse(['run', '--tmp-store', 'pear://link']) // exec run command
cmd.parse(['run', '-s', '/path/to/store', '--tmp-store', 'pear://link']) // error

This should output:

Welcome to the IoP

  pear [flags] [command]

  pear cli

    --help|-h   print help

    run         Run an app from a link | |

Welcome to the IoP

  run [flags] <link> []

  Run an app from a link

  Run an app from a file link (or path) or from a pear link.
  Optionally supply store for custom store path

    <link>              link to run

    --store|-s [path]   store path
    --help|-h           print help | |

ACTION -> run pear://link with store /path/to/store


command(name, ...args)

Defines a command with a specific behavior based on the supplied modifiers such as flags, arguments, and descriptions. This function is used to create the command object.

  • Arguments:

    • name <String>: The name of the command.
    • ...args <Modifier> | <Command> | <Function>: Supply modifiers and subcommands as arguments. Supply a single function argument as the command runner.
  • Returns:

    • cmd <Command>: The command object capable of parsing CLI arguments and executing associated actions.
    • cmd.hide() to hide the command from help.

cmd.parse(argv = process.argv.slice(2), opts)

Parses an array of command line arguments and executes the command based on the provided definition. Automatically handles '--help' or '-h' flags to display help information.

  • Arguments:
    • argv <String[]>: An array of strings representing the command line arguments. Defaults to program arguments process.argv.slice(2) if unspecified. If the -h or --help flag is supplied help for the related command will be shown.
    • opts <Object>: Parse options
      • sync <Boolean>: Synchronous parse, only use this with synchronous function runners. Default false.
      • silent <Boolean>: Suppress the help display, even if -h or --help is provided.
  • Returns:
    • null if the parsing leads to an error (with an error output) or the command object if the command executes without errors.

Generates and returns help text for the command. Can take subcommand names as arguments to generate help for a specific subcommand path. When calling cmd.parse(argv), if the -h or --help flag is supplied, this method is automatically called and output.


Returns help text without header or footer. Can take subcommand names as arguments to generate help for a specific subcommand path.

cmd.overview({ full = false })

Returns a string with a command overview. Set full to true to include detailed usage for each command.

  • Arguments:
    • full <Boolean>: Whether to display a full overview that includes details of all defined sub-commands and flags.

cmd.running <Promise> | null

Either null if the command is not running or a promise that resolves when the command has completed running.

cmd.bailed <Object> | null

Either null if the command did not bail or an object descibing the bail. The object can be { bail <Object>, error <Error>?, output <String>? }. If the object has an error property it failed to create the bail output (which could happen with a user defined bail function), otherwise the object has an output property which explains the reason for the bail. The bail property of the bailed object has the following shape: { reason <String>, flag <Flag>, arg <Arg>, err <Error>}. When present, err property on the bail objects would have been thrown from the runner, whereas the bailed.error property holds errors that occur during bailing.

cmd.flags <Object>

After cmd.parse has been called, contains parsed flag values.

cmd.args <Object>

After cmd.parse has been called, contains parsed arguments.

cmd.positionals <Array>

After cmd.parse has been called, contains original arguments in isolation. <Object>

After cmd.parse has been called, contains rest arguments, if any, on where restName is defined by rest(spec) where spec is [].

cmd.parent <Command>

Command parent <String>

Command name

cmd.description <String>

Command description

cmd.summary <String>

Command summary

cmd.header <String>

Command header

cmd.footer <String> | <Object>

Command footer

cmd.indices.flags <Object>

After cmd.parse has been called, contains the index of each flag in the original array.

cmd.indices.args <Object>

After cmd.parse has been called, contains the index of each parsed argument in the original array.

cmd.indices.positionals <Array>

After cmd.parse has been called, contains the indexes of each positional argument in the original array. <Number>

After cmd.parse has been called, contains the index of the first rest argument in the positional array.

flag(spec, description)

Defines a flag for a command. Flags can be simple boolean switches or can expect a value.

  • Arguments:

    • spec <String>: --long|-l (<value> | [value])? , e.g., --boolean-flag|-b, --string-flag [optional-value], --string-flag <required-value>
    • description <String>: A description of what the flag does.
  • Returns:

    • flag <Flag>: A modifier that configures the command to recognize and handle the specified flag.
    • flag.hide() to hide the flag from help.
    • flag.multiple() to make this flag into an array of all passed values instead of the latest one only.

arg(spec, description)

Defines a positional argument for a command.

  • Arguments:

    • spec <String>: [arg] | <arg> where arg is the placeholder name for the argument, e.g. <name>, (required) [dir] (optional)
    • description <String>: A description of what the argument is for.
  • Returns:

    • <Arg>: A modifier that configures the command to accept and process the specified argument.

rest(spec, description)

Defines rest arguments that are captured after all flags and named arguments.

  • Arguments:

    • spec <String>: []. The name to collect rest arguments under, e.g. [] array will be stored at
    • description <String>: Description of what these rest arguments represent.
  • Returns:

    • <Rest>: A modifier that configures the command to capture additional arguments not explicitly defined.

validate(validator, description)

Defines a validation function for the command. This function is used to enforce custom validation logic on the command after parsing, such as checking the relationship of flags, arguments, rest arguments, etc.

  • Arguments:

    • validator <Function>: A function that takes the parsed command object and returns a boolean indicating whether the validation passed. If the validation fails, the function should throw an error or return a string describing the validation error.
      • Parameters:
        • args <Object>: An object containing the parsed arguments.
        • flags <Object>: An object containing the parsed flags.
        • positionals <Array>: An array containing the positional arguments.
        • rest <Object>: An object containing the rest arguments.
        • indices <Object>: An object containing the indices of flags, arguments, positionals, and rest.
          • flags <Object>: An object containing the indices of the flags.
          • args <Object>: An object containing the indices of the arguments.
          • positionals <Array>: An array containing the indices of the positional arguments.
          • rest <Number>: The index of the rest arguments.
        • command <Command>: The command object being validated.
      • Returns:
        • <Boolean>: The validator function should return true if the validation passes, indicating that the command is valid. If the validation fails, it should return false or throw an error. Returning false indicates that the command is invalid.
  • Returns:

    • <Validation>: A modifier that configures the command to use the specified validation function.


Defines a brief summary of the command's functionality.

  • Arguments:

    • text <String>: Summary of the command's purpose.
  • Returns:

    • <Data>: A modifier containing the summary information.

description(text) | description`text`

Defines a detailed description of the command's functionality. When used as a tagged template function, description automatically dedents the text.

  • Arguments:

    • text <String>: Detailed information about the command.
  • Returns:

    • <Data>: A modifier containing the description information.


Define a header for the command's help output.

  • Arguments:

    • text <String>: Text to display at the top of the output.
  • Returns:

    • <Data>: A modifier that configures the header text.

footer(text | { overview: text, help: text })

Define a footer for the command's help & overview output.

  • Arguments:

    • text <String> | { overview: text <String>, help: text <String> }| : Text to display at the bottom of the help and/or overview output.
  • Returns:

    • <Data>: A modifier that configures the footer text.


Set the bail handler to fn.


Configures the command to be non-strict when parsing unknown flags or arguments.




Strict and fair parameter papa







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