- BREAKING CHANGE: Upgrade to Holochain v0.3.0-beta-dev.8.
output has changed which lead to local conductor startup refactoring. - BREAKING CHANGE:
re-throws caught errors. - BREAKING CHANGE: To imitate a hApp client more closely in a test, App websockets are decoupled from conductors. This change plays out mainly on the conductor level, but a player contains the app agent websocket now too for registering signals. Previously there used to be a single app websocket per conductor for all of its agents. Now there is one app agent websocket connection per agent.
- TryCP scenario: Optimize multi client/multi player installation. All agent app installations for a conductor and all conductor installations for a client are triggered in parallel instead of sequentially.
- BREAKING CHANGE: Awaiting DHT sync of multiple players received a more universal API. Scenario methods were removed, so that in all cases the util function must be called.