#React homepage demo
npm run build
rz (in dir: ../usr/share/nginx/html/)
tar -xvf build.tar
This is a frontend project for my personal homepage.
It acts as a portal for everyday use for myself, my family as well as my friends.
It is a modularised homepage contains the following modules:(Some of them are still under construction)
COVID-19 (brief information on card only so far)
Blog (V1.0)
Photo Gallery (V1.0)
Knowledge graph(For my technical blogs) (Card entry only)
E-Commerce Catalogues (Card entry only)
Exercise Upload (V0.1 Draft only)
Resume (Card entry only)
To-Do (Card entry only)
Administration (Card entry only)
System logs (Card entry only)
Each module has a card on the homepage if the specific users are grant those access.
Users can only see the cards they being granted access.
It support users as well as guest.
For guest system, administrator may generate a passcode. It has an expired date and can be granted specific access like a normal user.
Anyone with the passcode(we call it guest code) may access the content.
The website support English and Simplified Chinese. The language can be varied for different users.
The website is responsive. It automatically fit it different clients and dimensions.
Authentication service(backend) repository: hongwei-bai/application-service-authentication
For card COVID-19
For card Blog
For card Exercise upload
and card Photo gallery