- Micromouse is a robot whose ability is navigating autonomously through a maze without user input.
- This program allows the user to write and test their algorithms without the need of a physical micromouse.
- It also allows the user to create their own maze, save and retrieve it, and test their alogirthms on it.
Please refer to the Wiki page for brief instructions on how to use this software.
- Sample algorithms & application programmed by Cuong Nguyen, '23, University of Scranton
- Modified floodfill algorithm developed by Prof. George Law, California State University, Northridge (PowerPoint explanation can be found online)
- Maze generator programmed by Matt Burns, '20, University of Scranton
- Tested by Ryan Chan, '23, Cornell University
- Mouse icon and diamond icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Feedback and feature requests are always welcomed. Please direct them to [email protected]