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Grails LESS CSS compiler plugin

Grails plugin that pre-compiles LESS code into CSS stylesheets (see

This plugin is compatible with LESS version 1.4.1. In fact, it executes the official JavaScript LESS compiler in a JVM.

In development mode, the plugin monitors your LESS files (and all their imports), and automatically compiles them when necessary. So you only need to save and refresh your browser.

The LESS files are compiled at build time and packaged in the final WAR, hence there is no compilation in production mode.

Why yet another LESS plugin?

  • Lessc has a daemon that automatically re-compiles when a source is modified.
  • Lessc caches information about imported source files so that an initial compilation to gather imports is rarely necessary.
  • When there is an error in a LESS file, Lessc shows an extract and the location of the error
  • Lessc supports all compilation options, which is not the case for the other plugins (at the time of writing).
  • Lessc uses a compiler that is up to 5 times faster then other Java implementations.


For the time being, you have to build the plugin from source or use it as an inline plugin (in BuildConfig.groovy):

grails.plugin.location.lessc = '{pathTo}/lessc'

Defining resources

modules = {

    'twitter-bootstrap' {
        resource url: 'less/bootstrap.less'  //simplest form

    mainLess {
        dependsOn 'twitter-bootstrap'
        defaultBundle 'main'
        //defaultBundle does not work for less resources; you need to specify the bundle explicitly for each less resource
        resource url: 'less/simple/main-color-green.less', bundle: 'main'
        resource url: 'less/simple/main-background-color.less', bundle: 'main'
        resource url: 'css/main-margin.css'

    //type and rel are optional, but if specified, they should be set to resp. 'css' and 'stylesheet/less'
    withAttrs {
        resource url: 'less/simple/args-border.less', attrs: [type: 'css', rel: 'stylesheet/less'], bundle: 'main'


Configuration typically resides in Config.groovy. All entries are optional.

grails.resources.debug = false //client side less compilation when set to true (see also clientSideLess)
grails {
    resources {
        mappers {
            lessc {
                includes = ['less/bootstrap.less', 'less/simple/*.less'] //default: ['**/*.less']
                excludes = ['**/variables.less'] //default: []
                includePlugins = ['twitter-bootstrap'] //list of plugins to search for less files (using includes/excludes), default: []

                //standard lessc compiler options,
                options {
                    compress = true //Compress output by removing some whitespaces, default: false
                    optimizationLevel = 3 //The lower the number, the fewer nodes created in the tree.
                                          //Useful for debugging or if you need to access the individual nodes in the tree.
                                          //default: 1
                    strictImports = false //Force evaluation of imports, default: false
                    rootPath = '' //Set rootpath for URL rewriting in relative imports and URLs, default: ''
                    relativeUrls = true //Re-write relative URLs to the base less file, default: true
                    dumpLineNumbers = 'COMMENTS' //Outputs filename and line numbers, possible values:
                                             // COMMENTS: output the debug info within comments.
                                             // MEDIA_QUERY: outputs the information within a fake media query which is compatible with the SASS format.
                                             // ALL: does both
                                             // default: NONE
                    minify = false //minify generated CSS with YUI cssmin, default: false
                    strictMath = false //Use strict math, default: false
                    strictUnits = false //Use strict units, default: false
                encoding = 'utf8' //Character encoding, default: null (system)
                //define custom javascript functions that can be used inside LESS code
                //either a String, a java.util.File or a
                //default: null
                customJavaScript = '''less.tree.functions.add = function (a, b) {
                                         return new(less.tree.Dimension)(a.value + b.value);
                daemonInterval = 300 //interval in milliseconds used to check LESS files for changes (only in development mode)
                                     //set to -1 to disable the daemon
                                     //default: 200
                failOnError = true //exit when a compilation error is encountered in the compilation phase, default: false
                clientSideLess = false //when true, compile the LESS stylesheets in the browser with less-1.4.1.js, default: false

Tip for compiling Twitter Bootstrap

When using the Twitter Bootstrap grails plugin, it is not necessary to copy all the LESS files to your projects. Only copy the ones that you want to customize (typically variables.less). Only specify the LESS files that you actually use to prevent unnecessary compilation of LESS files that are only imported:

includes = ['less/bootstrap.less']
includePlugins = ['twitter-bootstrap']


Lessc passes all the tests of the official JavaScript LESS 1.4.1 compiler, except the test for data-uri. Lessc handles data-uri the same way as the official LESS does when used inside a browser: the data-uri's are translated into URL's in stead of being embedded in the CSS.


(Functional) tests


Lessc compatible Grails LESSCSS plugin







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