Convert the IMDB alternate interfaces text files to an SQLite database or csv file
Data Source:
This uses CMake and requires SQLite[optional]
If you are on linux you'll need to install sqlite3 headers and library
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
For ther platforms you'll need to either download it from here or build it manually froum source (
To use SQLite the cli make command would look like
mkdir build
cd build
OR use cmake GUI or cmake to provide options interactively
The source files are encoded in ISO-8859-1 but sqlite supports utf8 and can be converted to utf with any script similar to
for i in *.list; do iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF8 $i >"u8${i}"; done
./imdbparser.exe ./imdbout.sqlite ./u8ratings.list [./u8language.list] [./u8certificates.list] [./u8genres.list] [./u8running-times.list]