Releases: hultenvp/solis-sensor
Fix typo in v2.2.2
Fix small typo
Unexpected server responses on ginlong
Some users experience issues in autodetect. Unclear what the cause is, but the response of the server causes a crash
Add robustness and debug logging to see what the server response is when autodetecting
See issue #114 for more details
Improved Soliscloud inverter energy today
What's Changed
- Change Source of Energy Today to stationDetail by @LucidityCrash in #111
This fixes the issue that energyToday resets to 0 at 16:00 on SolisCloud
Removal of deprecated config
❗ This release has breaking changes ❗
New sensors
Bug fixes
This release removes the deprecated configuration where sensors were explicitly defined.
In order to update you must migrate to the new configuration format as described in the README.MD if you did not yet do so.
If you still use sensors:
and inverter_serial
in your configuration.yaml then remove those first, check configuration reboot & check logs if your configuration does not produce any warnings.
Hardening and new sensors
❗ This release has breaking changes ❗
New sensors
All new sensors will be autodetected.
- Added battery and temperature sensors for Sofar Solarman inverters (ginlong portal only)
⚠️ Still untested - Thanks to @LucidityCrash Soliscloud users now also have access to battery power
Bug fixes
#95 Resets in the time where the backend is reporting the wrong energy today values could still cause wrong data reported to energy dashboard. The integration is made more robust against resets.
There were inconsistencies in the sensor names. Some used upper case, other only lower case. This has been corrected, but it will mean you'll see new sensors in your HA. Delete the old sensors and rename the new ones by removing the _2 extension from entity ID in the entity overview in the configuration. Also double check any automation that uses the sensors. Affected sensors are:
- Power State
- Timestamp Inverter Online
- Timestamp Measurements Received
- Energy This Year
- Remaining Battery Capacity
Fix variable unit of power
What's Changed
- 56 fix variable power unit by @hultenvp in #90
- 88 Adjust log level from info to debug for reporting server calls
Full Changelog: v2.0.5...v2.0.6
Handle KeyError
- Fixes potential KeyError crash in
- Fixes pass by reference of dict in constructor of GinlongData
Improved retry and fix missing timestamp
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3