Releases: hultenvp/solis-sensor
Releases · hultenvp/solis-sensor
Please note!
Thanks to the work of @fboundy this integration now also has Inverter Control functionality for those inverters that support.
Thanks @fboundy for your work and patience ;-)
Support for this feature is still experimental. Please submit any issues to
What's Changed
- Add ability to Control Inverter by @fboundy in #398
- 418 existing configs will fail after upgrade by @hultenvp in #419
- Revert back to InverterDetail by @hultenvp in #420 --> This should solve a host of issues where certain sensors were not properly updated because of Soliscloud API issues.
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.8.1...v3.9.0
What's Changed
- Add battery monthly and yearly energy charged and discharged sensors by @patduckless in #407
New Contributors
- @patduckless made their first contribution in #407
Full Changelog: v3.7.2...v3.8.0
What's Changed
- Fixed a couple of typos by @bryanajwells in #362
- 386 my inverter has 6 pv strings only 4 are visible by @hultenvp in #388
- Bump minor version by @hultenvp in #389
New Contributors
- @bryanajwells made their first contribution in #362
Full Changelog: v3.6.0...v3.7.0
v3.6.0 Small maintenance release
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v3.5.2...v3.6.0
Big welcome
Big welcome to @jmason as maintainer of this integration
What's Changed
- Using inverterDetailList instead of inverterDetail by @hultenvp in #358
- This fixes the issue that inverter daily energy charged was reduced to whole number accuracy (#354)
- Fix stale AC power value when inverter offline by @hozob in #355
- 337 issue with delay on sensorsolis total consumption power by @artarus in #359
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.5.1...v3.5.2
Overdue maintenance
Finally got around doing some maintenance. Minor update. took in a PR from @special-K-Ken, added some grid entities on request and migrated away from deprecated constants to the appropriate enums.
What's Changed
- Add extra meter sensors (EG, Eastron meter) by @special-K-Ken in #333
- 334 missing on grid entities by @hultenvp in #340
- Move to unit enums by @hultenvp in #341
- Replace deprecated DEVICE_CLASS & STATE_CLASS by @hultenvp in #343
New Contributors
- @special-K-Ken made their first contribution in #333
Full Changelog: v3.5.0...v3.5.1