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Releases: humdingerb/UploadIt

Release v1.3

12 Mar 13:45
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  • Support also uploading a single folder. It gets zipped up in-place before it's
    uploaded. Thanks to Zach Dykstra.

  • Use notifications instead of putting error messages into the clipboard.
    Thanks to Zach Dykstra.

  • Notify if an upload is too large (The Null Pointer's limit is 512 MiB)

  • Use encrypted https instead of http.

  • Added new languages

    • Australian English (en_AU), thanks jt15s
    • Latin American Spanish (es-419), thanks victroniko
  • Removed outdated translations: cs,es,hi,hr,hu,id,it,pl,ro,ru,sc,uk

Bump revision, release 1.2.3

03 Aug 12:07
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Bump revision, release 1.2.3

More translations, Release v1.2.2

02 Aug 15:23
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New and updated translations

Thanks to:
Portuguese (pt)         Victor Domingos
Czech (cs)                      nkin

Release v1.2.1: Use the service of "The Null Pointer"

16 Jan 17:11
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Since seems to have gone, we're moving back to "The Null Pointer" at

Depending on the size of the file, uploaded files are retained for 30 days to one year. The maximum file size is 512 MiB. is NOT a platform for:

  • piracy
  • pornography
  • extremist material of any kind
  • malware / botnet C&C
  • anything related to crypto currencies
  • backups
  • CI build artifacts
  • doxxing, database dumps containing personal information
  • anything illegal under German law

Uploads found to be in violation of these rules will be removed, and the originating IP address blocked from further uploads.

Release v1.2

31 May 07:18
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* Move to as had to limit the maximum file size to 100KiB.
  Oshi has a limit of 1000 MiB. Uploaded files are stored for 14 days.

* Put "Uploading <filename>" into the clipboard when upload starts.

* Added/updated translations, thanks to:
  Adam Fowler (en_GB), Alexey Lugin (uk), Briseur (fr), Davidmp (ca),
  Emir Sarı (tr), Florentina (ro), Gabriele Baldassarre (it), KapiX (pl),
  Knezzen (sv), mazbrili (id), miqlas (hu), no-act (nl), Schrijvers Luc (nl),
  Sergei Reznikov (ru), TejasMate (hi), TK-313 (ru), tmtfx (fur),
  unspacyar (es), Victor Domingos (pt), zvacet (hr)

v1.1: Change online service to 'Linx'

03 Nov 17:41
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Since the "Null Pointer" at has been unreliable,
switch to "Linx" at .

Expiration time is currently hardcoded to 1 day.

Release v1.0

03 Sep 14:50
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Initial release.