The Haskell library and executable pretty-print the output of the resolve, inflect, derive, and lookup modes in a column-oriented format for both clarity and convenient processing. You can
the information on the command line as well as unpretty the output into nested data structures using Python or Perl. -
There is support for calling the Haskell executable in its different modes from within Python as if it were a native function.
The ElixirFM lexicon gets incrementally improved. Most notably, the lexicon now internally expands its verbal entries into masdars and active and passive participles. This is done via the derive mode and it increases the coverage of the resolve, lookup, and inflect modes. Check out our web service.
Since ElixirFM is now hosted on GitHub, it becomes yet easier to join the project and contribute to it. We do need new features, applications, interfaces, and documentation. Feel free to contact us or clone the project!