HTML maps is a tool that simplifies the development of lightweight and interactive maps utilizing the python visualization library folium. To generate these interactive maps we are using the Python IDE jupyter notebooks to process geo-spatial data such as:
- USGS gauges
- Hydrologic Model data
- Meteorological data
*NOTE : Currently the add functions are expecting geopandas.GeoDataFrames inputs.
- QuickMap-PM - The control notebook for papermill to auto-generate html maps.
- QuickMap - Papermill notebook controlled by the QuickMap-PM notebook.
- Example - Example notebook describing the process of initializing HTML maps.
- - Library to generate interactive maps.
- - Library to auto-generate html tables.
- - Libary developed by Philippe Lagadec to write html tables in python.
Contains point, line, and polygon data for use with the example notebook. These data files are in geojson and shapefile.
- sample_gages.geojson
- sample_gages.shp
- sample_lines.geojson
- sample_lines.shp
- sample_polygons.geojson
- sample_polygons.shp
- Initialize html map by inputting the center of the location (x,y).
m = mapfun(longitude,latitude)
- Add data to the html map.
m.add_polygon(polygons, descriptions, name of polygon, add_table=True)
- Save map.'map.html')