Repository for the new greta
. This model is centered on estimation of the infection timeseries, from which
This workflow has separate components for PCR and RAT data, and estimates separately by jurisdiction, in this case Australian state.
- Fork this repo into personal GitHub account
- Navigate to your fork [username]/epiwave.pipelines and clone a local version to your machine
- Open new project from version control in local RStudio
- Configure your remote repository
- list remotes
git remote -v
> origin [email protected]:[YOURUSERNAME]/epiwave.pipelines.git (fetch)
> origin [email protected]:[YOURUSERNAME]/epiwave.pipelines.git (push)
- add upstream
git remote add upstream [email protected]:idem-lab/epiwave.pipelines.git
- verify by checking remotes again
git remote -v
> origin [email protected]:[YOURUSERNAME]/epiwave.pipelines.git (fetch)
> origin [email protected]:[YOURUSERNAME]/epiwave.pipelines.git (push)
> upstream [email protected]:idem-lab/epiwave.pipelines.git (fetch)
> upstream [email protected]:idem-lab/epiwave.pipelines.git (push)
Before beginning new work, make sure your fork is up to date with the remote
# if you are not on main branch git checkout main # fetch from upstream repo git fetch upstream main # then merge git merge upstream/main
Make a new branch for your changes using:
git checkout -b <dev-branch>
Try and use a descriptive name for the new branch, for example 'updateCAR'
When you've made your changes, commit all changes to your branch, then repeat step 1 if necessary (if there have been changes to upstream)
Merge your new branch into your main, using
to indicate 'no fast forward' because we want a commit recording the mergegit checkout main git merge --no-ff <dev-branch>
Add commit message, then push to origin and delete dev branch
git push origin main git branch --delete <dev-branch>
Create pull request on GitHub