The main purpose of this repository is for an interview that create a short URL generator service.
To build and run this app locally you will need a few things:
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install dependencies
cd interview
npm install
- Configure your mongoDB server and make sure config the mongoDB url in environment file(./config/development.env)
# Get this from after you've logged in and created a database
# MONGODB_URI=mongodb://<mlab_user>:<mlab_password>@<mlab_connection_url>
# This is standard running mongodb locally
npm run serve
Simply choose Jest as our test framework, since jest perfectly compatible with mocha syntax. Although Mocha is probably more popular, Jest gives a better test coverage report.
Simply run npm run test
This will also generate a coverage report.
id is the most important identifier for a short url, it could be anything as long as hold tens of thousands of urls, but it also limited that the identifier alphabet must some valid url alphabet, here I assume the best alphabet would be a-zA-Z0-9, which length is 52. Also, id itself can not hold as many as information of a url, we must use storage to persist the mapping, so the id here is actually a number, though it represent to user a short alphabet string. Base on the above analysis, I use base52 algorithm to save the id, how to create the baseN encode for a number is very simple, just use integer divide and mod, so I just a module call "base52" to generate the encoding.
id is auto-increment, by 1 everytime a new url is generated, however, for a very large service, the number format of id also have its limitation, so, for this case, it's required that the length of the encode should not be longer than 8, that means, the max id number is Math.pow(52, 8)-1, for url id that larger than this, we should create some strategy to reuse the id namesapce, here I use mod(%), that means, overwrite the previous generated id since it might to be too old to use, it's obsolete.
for the same url, we don't create a new id for it since it's no use, just a waste of id resource, so here I create a hash for the url, if we found the same hash in our db, we just return the pre-genereated id for this url.
to gain the best performance for a web service, cache and index is a must, we should use a cache like redis somehow here. but for this case, I just use a hash index for the hashed value of a url and the final base52 encode to gain the best search performance.
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