This module creates an ECS cluster and service with an autoscaling configuration based on a custom metric that represents the number of messages per task. To update the metric value, the module creates a Event bridge scheduler that runs in a given cron expression and sends a message to a SNS topic. The topic triggers a lambda function that updates the metric value.
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"
module "test" {
source = "../"
account_id = "12345678912"
aws_region = "us-east-1"
messages_per_task = 4
schedule_expression = "rate(2 minutes)"
queues_prefix = "teste__"
topic_name = "process_queues"
cluster_name = "test-scaling"
create_cluster = true
service = {
name = "test-service"
desired_count = 1
autoscaling = {
max_capacity = 10
min_capacity = 1
metric_target_value = 4
scale_up_cooldown = 30
scale_down_cooldown = 60
scale_up_alarm_period = 60
scale_down_alarm_period = 120
task_definition = {
cpu = 512
memory = 1024
family_name = "test-task"
container_definitions = [
name = "test-container"
repository_name = "example-repository"
create_repository_setup = false
portMappings = [
containerPort = 80
hostPort = 80
protocol = "tcp"
network = {
subnets_tags = {
key = "Name"
values = ["test-subnet"]
security_groups_tags = {
key = "Name"
values = ["test-sg"]
You can use the vpc
property inside the service
to create a new VPC or use an existing one by setting the network
property with your subnets and security groups.
If you only want to create autoscaling for an existing service. Set the create_cluster
and create_service
variables to false. After that, define the cluster name and service name and autoscaling rules