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Docsify PUML


Docsify plugin to parse PlantUML content

issues node-version version



It's just simple like insert that into your index.html

window.$docsify = {
  plantuml: {
    skin: 'default',
<script src="//"></script>

See Options for more details.


There are two ways to use that in your documentations. You can write directly into your markdown doc or you can import that from an external .puml file.

In code

Just create an code block with plantuml at lang type.


### Section X

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response

Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response

Include External .puml

To include a .puml file into your doc, need to use an sitaxe like the !include from default PUML, but surrounded by [[ and ]].


### Section X

[[!include ../assets/pumls/my-chart.puml]]

Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response


  • Render as SVG object;
  • Parse link insed code;
  • Parse external includes;
  • Make image linkeable;
  • Make image zoomable;


At now, that are options we have, with default their values:

  "skin": "default",
  "renderAsObject": false,
  "asLink": false,
  "serverPath": "https://custom-server.local/plantuml/png/"


That param says what skin(theme) should use in all plantuml blocks. By default, it's default, an clean implementation created by @matthewjosephtaylor.

Value Description
default An clean implementation
classic Default ugly PlantUML theme
./assets/local-puml-theme.pu An string pointing to a local file with your custom theme An url to a external server hosting a theme


That param says if any rendered object will be inside a <img src=''/> tag (if true) or inside a <object type='image/svg+xml' data=''/> tag (if false).

That second option is most used when you want to interact with generated svg, like using links. To use with an link, for example, should be like that:

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request [[$./other-file docs]]
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response [[$../other-file docs]]

Note: Is VERY IMPORTANT use an $ to say that is a link.


That param says if your generate image would be a link to open on blank page. By default it's false.

Note: Using with an <object type='image/svg+xml' data=''/> tag still not work properly.


That param says what server should use to render the svg. By default, use the official PlantUML server. If you're using an own server, set in this option.


For now, has three examples into examples folder:

  • Basic - with an in code implementation;
  • Themeable - with a theme implementation (from external source theme);
  • Import PUML - with implementation using an .puml file;


Indie Atom – [email protected]

This repo is completelly based on @imyelo docsify-plantuml version.

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request