This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 18, 2019. It is now read-only.
Releases: indigo-dc/bdocker
Releases · indigo-dc/bdocker
First Alpha release. Quite functional release implementing the following bdocker commands:
- clean - Clean work environment including the batch...
- configure - Configuration of the environment.
- cp - Copy files/folders between a container and...
- info - Docker daemon info
- inspect - Return low-level information on a container...
- logs - Retrieves logs present at the time of...
- ps - Show all containers running.
- pull - Pull an image.
- rm - Delete a container.
- run - Creates a writeable container layer over the...
- start - Starts container
- stop - Stop container
Some might still need further development or fixes
Still missing (TO-DOs):
- Security hardening and testing to meet requirements
- Implement some commands' options
- MPI support
- Test cgroups
- Implement Slurm compability