The Orchestrator Command Line Client
orchent helps you as much as possible:
$ orchent --help
usage: orchent [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
The orchestrator client. Please store your access token in the 'ORCHENT_TOKEN'
environment variable: 'export ORCHENT_TOKEN=<your access token>'. If you need to
specify the file containing the trusted root CAs use the 'ORCHENT_CAFILE'
environment variable: 'export ORCHENT_CAFILE=<path to file containing trusted
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
--version Show application version.
-u, --url=URL the base url of the orchestrator rest interface. Alternative
the environment variable 'ORCHENT_URL' can be used: 'export
help [<command>...]
Show help.
list all deployments
depshow <uuid>
show a specific deployment
depcreate [<flags>] <template> <parameter>
create a new deployment
depupdate [<flags>] <uuid> <template> <parameter>
update the given deployment
deptemplate <uuid>
show the template of the given deployment
depdel <uuid>
delete a given deployment
resls <depployment uuid>
list the resources of a given deployment
resshow <deployment uuid> <resource uuid>
show a specific resource of a given deployment
Before using the orchestrator with orchent you need to export your IAM access token:
export ORCHENT_TOKEN=<your access token here>
As long as the access token is valid orchent can tell the orchestrator what to do. e.g. update a deployment:
./orchent --url= depupdate eac4dabb-9613-4026-bac7-6075050308e3 template.txt '{"number_cpus":
+1, "memory_size": "2 GB"}'
update of deployment eac4dabb-9613-4026-bac7-6075050308e3 successfully triggered
And after that one could e.g. have a look at the deployment:
./orchent --url= depshow eac4dabb-9613-4026-bac7-6075050308e3
Deployment [eac4dabb-9613-4026-bac7-6075050308e3]:
creation time: 2016-10-12T07:02+0000
update time: 2016-10-12T07:13+0000
output: map[]
self []
resources []
template []
For more information and more examples please see the documentation
If your system is not supported you can still use orchent through a lightweight Docker container.
Download the container in the release section and import it using the docker load
docker load --input orchent_container_1.0.0.tar
After loading the container you can use it to run orchent:
docker run orchent:1.0.0 --version
docker run orchent:1.0.0 --help
For information on how to pass environment settings to the docker see
docker run --help