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#Restful TicTacToe Game Server

##What is it? A java Rest Controller for playing TicTacToe with multiple users support


  • Java 8
  • Spring 4
  • JUnit (Testing rest controllers)
  • Mockito
  • Maven

##Set up

  1. Import the project as Maven Project into your favourite IDE (Eclise, IntelliJ...)
  2. Set the build path to JavaSE-1.8 and the compiler compliance to Java 1.8
  3. Run maven to create your repository or just create your goals:

mvn clean install

  1. Run tomcat:

mvn tomcat7:run-war


  • Run maven tests through the console:

mvn test

  • Run as JUnit Tests to see the metrics. (E.g: in eclipse, right click over project folder -> Run As -> JUnit Test)


url method consumes produces description
/new POST JSON: name JSON Creates a new player
/join POST JSON: uuid JSON Joins a room
/play POST JSON: move JSON Makes a move
/whose GET param: uuid JSON Whose turn is it?
/status GET param: roomId JSON Status of the game's room

##How to Play

You can either use a Rest Client such Postman or just the command cURL

  • Step 1: Create a new user:

Provide a JSON with the following format:



>`curl --data '{"name":"ivan"}' -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "http://localhost:8080/tictactoe/new"`

>Take into account escape quotes if you are running curl in a Windows machine. E.g:

>`curl --data "{\"name\":\"ivan\"}" -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "http://localhost:8080/tictactoe/new"`

>You will receive a response like this:

  "success": true,
  "message": "User created",
  "uuid": "add13b40-c856-45be-8270-a11239d2053e"
  • Step 2: Join a room:

Provide a JSON with the previously received uuid:



  "success": true,
  "message": "Joined to room 1",
  "uuid": "add13b40-c856-45be-8270-a11239d2053e"
  • Step 3: You will need to wait for another player to join your room. So just create another user and join your room

  • Step 4: Start playing! just make your move:

{ "uuid":"79b8c7f4-0066-4383-9c71-4b6de76bf5e7", "position" : { "row": 0, "column":2 } }


  "success": true,
  "message": "Move OK"
  • You will need to ask the server whose turn is it before your next move:

curl --data '{"uuid":"79b8c7f4-0066-4383-9c71-4b6de76bf5e7"}' -v -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/tictactoe/whose

{ "success": true, "message": "It is your turn. Moves accepted (0-2)(0-2)", "uuid": null }

* **Wait for your rival's move**...and so on. Eventually somebody will win....or not! Good Luck


A Restful TicTacToe Server Game






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