Copyright (c) 2018 internetlehrer GmbH
- Author: Stefan Schneider [email protected], Uwe Kohnle [email protected]
- Forum:
- Bug Reports: (Choose project "ILIAS plugins" and filter by category "XapiCmi5 Plugin")
Ubuntu / Debian
php 7.3
Dependant on php7.x Version: package: php7.x-curl
- Basic Authentification headers MUST be transparent in php environment. Using apache with php-fpm behind reverse proxy (p.e. nginx) needs an explicit declaration like this:
<FilesMatch \.php$>
SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1
When you download the Plugin as ZIP file from GitHub, please rename the extracted directory to XapiCmi5 (remove the branch suffix, e.g. -master).
- Copy the XapiCmi5 directory to your ILIAS installation at the following path (create subdirectories, if neccessary): Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Repository/RepositoryObject
- Go to Administration > Plugins
- Choose action "Update" for the XapiCmi5 plugin
- Choose action "Activate" for the XapiCmi5 plugin
If you use ILIAS 5.4 you should import the additional lang files: .../XapiCmi5/Additional_for_ILIAS_5-4_de.lang for german .../XapiCmi5/Additional_for_ILIAS_5-4_en.lang for english
To get all functionalities you need to deactivate plugin after update first and then reactivate it.
- All versions for ILIAS 5.4 and higher are maintained in GitHub