This is based on the kylemanna docker image and the related Digital Ocean Tutorial. EASYRSA documentation can be foud here
To run the ovpn server just launch the server
service. It will automatically
setup easyrsa
and openvpn server
on the first run. Server can be configured
via environment variables. See the related section in this document.
To generate the configuration file for a new client you have to launch the
service specifying the client name using the CLIENT_NAME
var (e.g.: docker-compose run -e CLIENT_NAME=my-new-client gen_client
). This
will create the OVPN configuration file to send to the new client; thus
the best way to use it is this:
env CLIENT_NAME=my-new-client docker-compose --profile=client run --rm gen_client
The following configuration is available via environment variable
PUBLIC_DNS | Public DNS name of openvpn server | NODEFAULT+MANDATORY |
PUBLIC_PORT | Public UDP port of the listening server | 1194 |
REQ_CN | Common Name for the CA cert req | "Default OpenVPN CA" |