Releases: isisbusapps/stfc-vr-machine-room
RALDataCentre VR v1.2
Version 1.2 Changelog:
- Updated branding to match new UKRI standards.
- Created new posters with updated information.
- Fixed UV Lightmapping on doors.
- Disabled controller-headset line of sight monitoring to improve the locomotion experience.
- New model and textures for Ear Defenders.
Walkthrough and controls remain unchanged.
RALDataCentreVR v1.1
The RAL DataCentre VR Experience
Experience the life of a network engineer working in a recreation of the R89 Data Centre!
This release has been tailored for public use.
To run the game, unzip the provided file and launch the shortcut at its root.
(No Repo cloning needed).
Playing the game recquires a HTC Vive and SteamVR to be properly connected and installed. See readme for more information.
Tooltips for the controllers can be activated by pressing any of the Grip buttons on the side of the controllers.
To aim the Teleport pointer, place your thumb on the large circular trackpad. The pointer shows where you are trying to teleport to. When the pointer is green, you can press down the trackpad to teleport to it's location.
If the pointer is red, your chosen location is not valid to teleport to. This is usually because it is too close to an object. Try taking a step back, or aiming at an area with more space.
The triggers on the controller are used to interact with objects. To grab or pickup an object, move the controller onto it. When in the right place, interactive objects will glow a different colour. At this point, you can hold the trigger to pull open doors, or click the trigger to pick up objects.
Restarting the experience
The experience should restart normally after completing the challenge, but to restart it early, or to solve unexpected issues, hold the Top Menu button down, until the headset fades to black, and restarts.
A series of dynamic text signs present the narrative of the experience, and give hints as to what to do next. If you become stuck, the intended flow of the experience is this:
- Leave the entrance room, and make your way to the entrance to HPD, on the right side of the room.
- Pick up and put on the ear defenders by putting them above your head and clicking the trigger. The doors to HPD will not open unless you are wearing ear defenders.
- Locate the sparking, broken server on the left side of row F in the HPD room.
- Open the server rack door, and take out the broken server.
- Pick up the floating flashlight, and go into the Power Supply room, back through LPD.
- Find the button marked Reset Power near the back left of the Power Supply and push it.
- Head out of the power supply room, and turn right to the Storage room.
- Pick up the server on the table, and return to the location of the broken server.
- Open the server rack and install the new server by placing it in the highlight space and clicking the trigger.
- Hooray! This is the end of the experience, and it will restart in a few seconds.