- Clone repo and enter the directory
- Run
pip install -e .
from argparse import Namespace
import pytorch_lightning as pl
from src.models.modeling_conll2003 import T5ForConll2003
hparams = {
"experiment_name": "T5 on Conll2003",
"batch_size": 2,
"num_workers": 4,
"optimizer": "AdamW",
"lr": 2e-5,
"source_max_length": 220,
"target_max_length": 320,
"labels_mode": 'words',
"deterministic": True,
"seed": 123,
"pretrained_model": 't5-base',
"max_epochs": 5,
"gpus": 1,
"datapath": '../data/conll2003/',
"merge_O": True,
hparams = Namespace(**hparams)
model = T5ForConll2003.from_pretrained(hparams.pretrained_model, hparams=hparams)
if hparams.deterministic:
trainer = pl.Trainer(gpus=hparams.gpus,
labels_mode (words or tokens): Whether to use new tokens or not to identify entities
token_weights (list of tuples (str, float)): Give tokens on vocabulary different weights on prediction
merge_O (boolean): Whether to see a sequence of outside of context tokens as one entity or not
datapath (path-like or str): Path to the folder containing the data
source_max_length (int): Maximum length of input examples
target_max_length (int): Maximum length of output examples
max_length (int): Maximum length used when source_max_length or target_max_length is not given
generate_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments that will be passed to the generate method
batch_size (int): Number of examples per batch
shuffle_train (bool): Whether to shuffle or not the train samples
num_workers (int): Number of processes used by the DataLoaders
end_token (eos or sep): Whether the model uses eos or sep as end of token sequence
add_cls (bool): Whether to add or not the cls token during tokenization
target_as_source (bool): Whether to use the target sentence as input
sep_source_ents (bool): Whether to add or not a token of separation between the entities in the input
sep_source_token (str): String or token to be used to separate entities on input
sep_target_ents (bool): Whether to use true entities on target or sep_source_token
remove_accents (bool): Whether to remove accents on the sentences
optimizer (str): Optimizer name as given by PyTorch
lr (float): Learning rate
optimizer_hparams (dict): Keywords to be passed down to the optimizer at instantiation
deterministic (bool): Whether to do deterministic experiment
seed (int): Seed used when deterministic
├── README.md <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── data
│ ├── conll2003 <- Data from CoNLL 2003 dataset.
│ └── harem <- Data from Harem Dataset.
├── notebooks <- Jupyter notebooks.
├── env.yml <- File to generate the conda enviroment
├── src <- Source code for use in this project.
│ ├── __init__.py <- Makes src a Python module
│ │
│ ├── data <- Scripts to process data
| | ├── make_conll2003.py
│ │ └── make_harem.py
│ │
│ ├── input <- Scripts to turn data into right format for the models
| | ├── example.py <- Auxiliary file to hold the data samples
| | ├── feature.py <- Scripts for tokenization
│ │ └── dataset.py <- Pytorch Dataset class to feed the models
│ │
│ ├── models <- Modeling models scripts
│ ├── modeling_utils.py <- Base configuration for all models
│ ├── modeling_ner.py <- Modeling the NER task on Pytorch Lightning
| ├── modeling_t5ner.py <- Modeling T5 for the NER task
│ └── modeling_conll2003.py <- Modeling CoNLL2003 data to be used with the models
└── setup.py <- Install package with pip install -e .