The techlab is available on GitHub Pages here
The training content resides within the content directory.
The main part are the labs, which can be found at content/en/docs.
This site is built using the static page generator Hugo.
The page uses the docsy theme which is included as a Git Submodule. Docsy is being enhanced using docsy-plus as well as docsy-puzzle for brand specific settings.
After cloning the main repo, you need to initialize the submodule like this:
git submodule update --init --recursive
The default configuration uses the puzzle setup from config/_default.
Further, specialized environments can be added in the config
Run the following command to update all submodules with their newest upstream version:
git submodule update --remote
Build the image:
docker build -t puzzle-bbt/training-sbb-puzzle:latest .
Run it locally:
docker run -i -p 8080:8080 puzzle-bbt/training-sbb-puzzle
Build the image:
buildah build-using-dockerfile -t puzzle-bbt/training-sbb-puzzle:latest .
Run it locally with the following command. Beware that --rmi
automatically removes the built image when the container stops, so you either have to rebuild it or remove the parameter from the command.
podman run --rm --rmi --interactive --publish 8080:8080 localhost/puzzle-bbt/training-sbb-puzzle:latest
To develop locally we don't want to rebuild the entire container image every time something changed, and it is also important to use the same hugo versions like in production. We simply mount the working directory into a running container, where hugo is started in the server mode.
If you have docker-compose installed simply run:
docker-compose up
export HUGO_VERSION=$(grep "FROM klakegg/hugo" Dockerfile | sed 's/FROM klakegg\/hugo://g' | sed 's/ AS builder//g')
docker run \
--rm --interactive \
--publish 8080:8080 \
-v $(pwd):/src \
klakegg/hugo:${HUGO_VERSION} \
server -p 8080 --bind
If you want to run Hugo locally instead of using Docker, please follow these steps:
- Install Hugo, e.g. using choco:
choco install hugo-extended
- Open a Terminal and change directory into the /labs folder.
- Start Hugo:
hugo serve
- Hugo is available on port 1313 (default). You can access IT-Ninjas: http://localhost:1313/docs/. All changes in .md-Files are applied on the fly.
Please ensure to use the same Hugo version as it is used in GitHub Pages (see
Markdown files are linted with prettier. It can be configured with .prettierrc and .prettierignore.
Locally it should be executed before each commit with a pre-commit hook, managed by husky. If you want to run it manually, you can do so from the commandline:
npm install
npm run format
The fully builded Hugo site (meaning the generated ./public
directory) can automatically scanned for broken links. The tool used is htmltest. To check manually install htmltest and then run:
The test is configured with the options in .htmltest.yml. All the config options are available here.
The quality action is fired on each push. It does the following:
- build the Hugo site
- test if the linting is OK
- test if any broken links are present in the generated HTML
The test action is fired on each push to a feature branch and does the following:
- builds the Hugo site
The push main action is fired when a commit is pushed to the main branch (eg. a PR is merged) and does the following:
- builds the Hugo site
- deploys it to GitHub pages
If you find errors, bugs or missing information please help us improve and have a look at the Contribution Guide.