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Mingde Yin edited this page Dec 26, 2019 · 6 revisions

Commands Prefix: $comrade

ex. $comrade status

Documentation Convention: commandName (Mandatory Parameters) [Optional Parameters]

Public Use Commands

  • status [full]

Returns info about the bot from the configuration file. using "status full" gives much more in depth information.

  • emojiToText (some string)

Turns letters in input string into emoji output.

  • textToEmoji (some string)

Turns letter emojis to plaintext.

  • version

Returns bot version.

Vaulting Commands:

  • 🍅 (file or link)

Elects a candidate to be put into the vault channel. Returns an id, which is used to execute the next part of the command. People on the threats list with a Lethality greater than zero cannot use this command.

  • 🍅 (id from above)

Another user must type this command with the corresponding id of the first message to vault it.

  • clear

Removes all bot messages from the last hour, as well as the message which sent the clear command.

Listing System:

  • addList (List Name) (@mention)

Adds a user to a list of users in the cfg file. Creates new list if it does not exist. Lists can be of any name other than the critical system protected names (["LETHALITY", "THREATS", "kickVotes", "OPS", "GLOBAL_BANNED_WORDS", "PURGE", "LAST_DAILY", "KICK_REQ", "KICK_SAFE"])

  • removeList (List Name) (@mention)

Removes a user from a list if they are in it. Obeys same system protection rules.

  • showLists

Returns a list of all custom lists

  • checkList (List Name)

Shows all members in a given list.

  • helpLists

Shows help about lists.

Kick System

  • voteKick (@mention)

Votes to kick mentioned member. Each person gets one vote per person to kick. Once a sufficient number of votes are reached (default: 6), the person is kicked. People on the threats list with a Lethality greater than zero cannot vote.

  • unKick (@mention)

Retracts vote if already cast for a member.

  • lethalityhelp

Explains the lethality system.

Operator-Tier Commands

Used for moderation.

  • lethal (number) [@mention]

Changes global lethality to new value if no user mentioned, otherwise modified the user's lethality level. Please ensure the @mention target is in the threats list.

  • quarantine (@mention)

Quarantines or unquarantines a user. This disables/enables their ability to send messages.

  • kickReq (number)

Sets requirement for number of Kick Votes.

  • ZAHANDO (number)

Purges a number of messages in a channel.

  • timeStop (time)

Stops all activity in a channel for a certain amount of time in seconds.


EMERGENCY USE - Sets global lethality to 4.0 and quarantines ALL users in threats list.

  • addThreat [User Lethality] (@mention)

Adds a user to the threats list with an optional lethality parameter; defaults to 3.

  • removeThreat (@mention)

Removes user from threat list

  • addBanWord (word) [@mention]

Adds blacklisted word/phrase to global list if no mention, otherwise the user's local set of banned words.

  • removeBanWord (word) [@mention]

Removes blacklisted word/phrase from global list if no mention, otherwise the user's local set of banned words.

  • resetKick

Regenerates and resets kick votes list. Often needed for debugging.

  • reloadVars

Reloads variables from external configuration file.

Owner Commands

  • requiem [mode]

Generates list of people to be mass-kicked based on filter

  • executePurge

Kicks list of people en masse. Requires lethality of 4.0.

  • shutdown

Shuts down bot.

  • dailyAnnounce

Forcefully triggers the daily announcement module.

  • updateDaily

Updates daily announcement's LAST_DAILY variable

Special Generalized Commands

These do not require a prefix to trigger.

  • hello Comrade

Says Henlo

  • henlo Comrade

Says hello

** also will greet you if you have a message with "comrade" and something resembling "Hello"


Says "ZA WARUDO" and stops all channel activity for 5 seconds.


Initiates message purge. If 3 people agree, 10 messages are purged.

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