The purpose of this project is to supply a test environment for running integration tests for the SaaS application. In order to get a platform independent platform Vagrant is used.
NOTE: Currently the test environment is not complete.
In order to use this test environment please install: * Vagrant ( * Ansible (
In order to setup and use the test environment please complete the following steps: * Open a terminal, go to the saas_test_environment folder * Run the command * Vagrant up
vagrant up - sets up a virtual environment using for example VirtualBox. vagrant ssh - Enters teh virtual virtual environment using ssh. vagrant provision - In this case it reruns the Ansible script. vagrant destroy - Removes the virtual environment vagrant reload - restarts the virtual environment
The test environment contains a SP, a PYFF discovery server and two IdPs. The SP could talk to the IdPs by contacting the discovery server. The environment should also contain the SaaS proxy.
When the test environment is complete the SP should talk to the SaaS proxy and the proxy should use the discovery server
Components setup: * The SP is running and publishes metadata at the endpoint /metadata * The discovery server is running * The IdPs are running and
Open the browser and visit the url in order to test the complete flow.