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k8r - Kubernetes cluster on Raspberry Pi


Configure a few settings like k8s version, run build script, flash the build image to your Raspberry PI, and you have master node running. Repeat for nodes (just change one setting before re-building). Scale, upgrade and rebuild in just a few commands.


K8R stands for "Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi". The aim of the project is to provide an IaaS-like (Infrastructure as a Service) experience for deploying, upgrading, and managing K8s clusters. Rather than manually installing and configuring the software on nodes, both master and worker nodes are deployed by writing a pre-built "golden image" onto their disks. To upgrade the nodes, create a new image for the updated version of Kubernetes, upload it to the nodes (or utilize the built-in feature for downloading images via HTTP), and execute the upgrade script. Should a node encounter corruption or malfunction, it can be easily reinitialized to its initial state with just a single command.


Build Platform

  • Linux or MacOS on arm64 or x86_64
  • docker
  • 15G free space to contain initial, intermediate, and final images


  • Raspberri Pi 4b
  • At least 16G SD card



Download a bootable Ubuntu image to be used as a base image for nodes. Latest LTS build for Raspberry Pi is the primary testing target here, so it shoud work best.

Write your build configuration to variables.cfg file. Use variables.cfg.example file and "Settings" section for referrence. Minimum required settings are IMAGE and K8S_VERSION.

While these two will allow you to build an image "just to give it a try", there is at least one more thing to configure if you plan to use your cluster for longer period of time. The cluster's certificates include IP address of master node as CN field, and can also contain an additional domain name. In case if address of master node changes, you might have to rebuild all the cluster certs and re-join the nodes. So it is strongly recommended that you create a static IP-to-MAC bidning in your DHCP server, and/or create a DNS name for your master node, and configure CONTROL_PLANE_ENDPOINT variable with this name.

More useful settings to improve the cluster maintainability, like setting a non-default password for login user, can be found under "Settings" section.

Bootstrapping master node

After you configured your variables.cfg, it is time to bootstrap your master node as the fist node in your cluster. If you are reusing variables.cfg from another cluster, make sure that KUBEADM_JOIN_STRING is absent or set to empty.

This is what tells the scripts that this is the first boot, and the SD card has to be partitioned for master-style layout, i.e. it should have an additional partition for master data.

Build the image with

bash ./

Check the logs to make sure that all went well. There will be some errors caused by building it in docker+chroot - these will be followed by a message that the error can be safely ignored. Errors that do not have an explanation coming right after them may be a sign of a broken build. Please report them, or, even better, open a PR with a fix. Builds having such errors should not be used to update or install the nodes unless you know what you do.

After a successful build, an image at images/bootable_image.img is ready to be flashed on an SD card and used to boot your master node. Bootup and initialization would take 5-15 minutes depending on the speed of your SD card and internet connection (you will be downloading images for control panel).

After successfull boot, you will be able to log in to your new master node with the default user for your distriution (most likely "ubuntu"), and the default password (usually ubuntu), or your custom password if you set it.

Check /var/log/kubeadm.log to make sure the installation went well and grab the admin context from /etd/kubernetes/admin.conf.

A command to join new nodes to the cluster is stored at /usr/lib/k8r/join_string Update your variables.cfg file and set this command as a value of parameter KUBEADM_JOIN_STRING.

Adding worker nodes

With KUBEADM_JOIN_STRING in variables.cfg file set to the value from previous step, re-run the build process by executing bash ./

This will build the image again with the new variables file (just injecting it is not implemented yet), creating a new images/bootable_image.img which you can use for initial bootstrap of the worker nodes, along with two more images, images/boot.img.xz and images/image.img.xz which can be used to upgrade, as well as to downgrade the nodes.

Now you can write bootable-image.img to SD cards of as many new nodes as you need, boot them, and have them joined your new cluster. Enjoy! :-)


Nodes can be upgraded in two ways: by copying updated images directly to the nodes, of by having the nodes download the updated image from HTTP location.

To upgrade the nodes using local images, transfer updated images/boot.img.xz and images/image.img.xz so some location on the node, and write it to image partition with script from /usr/lib/k8r/tasks directory, passing a directory where the images can be found as a parameter.

For example, if image.img.xz (boot.img.xz should be stored under the same location) can be found at /home/ubuntu/new_images/image.img.xz on the target node, then the command would look like this:

bash /usr/lib/k8r/tasks/ /home/ubuntu/new_images/

To upgrade the node from images from an HTTP, location, you need to have a variable HTTP_IMAGE_URL set to proper location in your variables.cfg file.

This can be preconfigured during the build step, and you can change it or set it on the target node anytime by editing /usr/lib/k8s/variables.cfg file. As an example, if you have your image.img.xz (same for boot.img.xz) available at, then the setting should say


With this setting in place, just run

bash /usr/lib/k8r/tasks/

without any parameters. The images will be downloaded and unpacked into node's boot and image partitions.

Finally, run a script to reboot the node into image partition and rewrite the working partition with the updated image:

bash /usr/lib/k8r/tasks/

The node will reboot, start the OS from image partition, rewrite the working partition with the new image, then boot again into working partition and either update the master node and control panel to new versions, or re-join the updated worker node to the cluster, depending on the node type.

Refreshing/wiping the nodes

At some point, a node may become unstable or just utterly broken. Just like it can be done when using cloud providers, such nodes can be replaced by rebuilding from a "golden" image which was used to bootstrap the nodes.

Similar to update operation, run a script to reboot the node into image partition and rewrite the working partition with the updated image:

bash /usr/lib/k8r/tasks/

The node will reboot, start the OS from image partition, rewrite the working partition with the new image, then boot again into working partition and either update the master node and control panel to new versions, or re-join the updated worker node to the cluster, depending on the node type.


IMAGE - Filename of original vendor's OS image to be used for all the nodes. MUST be present under current directory. Must be an uncompressed image.

K8S_VERSION - K8S version to use in format of 1.2.3 (no 'v' prefix)

CONTROL_PLANE_ENDPOINT - DNS name or at a fixed IP-address pre-allocated for your master node. Used for certificate chains, for nodes to join the cluster, and more.

TOKEN_TTL - TTL of kubeadm's bootstrap token used by nodes to initially join the cluster. Set to 0 to never expire. Example: TOKEN_TTL="24h0m0s". Default is 0 (never expire)

POD_NETWORK_CIDR - IP prefix for all pods in the Kubernetes cluster. This range should not overlap with other prefixes on your local network.

CNI_TYPE - CNI to use, "calico", "weave" of "flannel". Only calico seems to work out of the box for all uses. Flannel has issues that have not been resolved yet and might not work for you. Weave net has changed its installation process and is therefore broken now.

CALICO_VERSION - Use specific calico version (no "v" prefix). By default, v3.25.1 is used if the variable is not set.

KUBEADM_JOIN_STRING - A command for the nodes to join master. When a master node is bootstrapped, it will be written to file /usr/lib/k8r/join_string. You need to put this value here before building an image for worker nodes.

HTTP_IMAGE_URL - URL prefix under which both image.img.xz and boot.img.xz can be found. For example, if you uploaded your files in a way that boot.img.xz can be downloaded from, then this setting would be ""

Files and locations

Local (build host):

variables.cfg: configure your K8R settings here. This file will be baked into the built image and read by scripts. password_hash: to use your own password instead of default "ubuntu", provide sha-512 hash of your password (or just copy it from /etc/shadow) in this file


/etc/systemd/system/task_runner.service - systemd service for task_runner /usr/local/bin/ - a service to start scheduled mainenance tasks for k8r

/var/spool/k8r/ : location for temporary files, locks and so on.

/usr/lib/k8r/variables.cfg: copy of build configuration for this image. Used by various scripts

/usr/lib/k8s/tasks/ : maintenance scripts, as below:

Intended for use by an operator: write K8S image files to image partition. If ran without parameters, will try to download an image from HTTP_IMAGE_URL. To use an image from a local FS, use directory path as a parameter. The directory must contain both image.img.xz and boot.img.xz files. - restart and reinstall the node. Boot and root filesystems will be rewritten using an initial image, resulting in a fresh node.

NOT intended for use by an operator: convenience script to install docker into build containers. Runs on build host. runs basic software installation and configuration during build process. Runs on build host. creates required partitions inside image file. Runs on build host. utility wrapper used by task_runner's scripts to reboot the node. run minimal preparations on the node during install process and trigger an appropriate next phase if node is expected to be a master, configure and start k8s control plane