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Build transactions with all-mixed-inputs (#126)
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* Consider mixed inputs when balancing WIP

* Add failing test

* Fix coin selection
  • Loading branch information
j-mueller authored Mar 14, 2024
1 parent 05d0608 commit 1fd8cf3
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Showing 4 changed files with 82 additions and 70 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
* Updated the [conway genesis configuration file](node-config/mainnet/mainnet-conway-genesis.json) for mainnet
* When selecting public-key UTxOs during coin selection, outputs that are incompatible with PlutusV1 scripts are excluded.
* Fixed a bug in coin selection where the wallet's mixed inputs were not considered for a `TxBodyContent` with zero inputs
* Improved the coin selection algorithm to correctly select mixed inputs for covering the transaction fees. Previously, only pure Ada inputs were considered for the fees.

### Added

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113 changes: 50 additions & 63 deletions src/coin-selection/lib/Convex/CoinSelection.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Keys as Keys
import Cardano.Slotting.Time (SystemStart)
import Control.Lens (_1, _2, at, makeLensesFor, over,
preview, set, to, traversed, view,
(&), (.~), (<>~), (?~), (^.), (^..),
(%~), (&), (.~), (<>~), (?~), (^.),
(^..), (|>))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ makeLensesFor
data CoinSelectionError =
UnsupportedBalance (C.TxOutValue ERA)
| BodyError Text
| NotEnoughAdaOnlyOutputsFor C.Lovelace
| NotEnoughMixedOutputsFor{ valuesNeeded :: [(C.PolicyId, C.AssetName, C.Quantity)], valueProvided :: C.Value, txBalance :: C.Value }
| NotEnoughInputsFor{ lovelaceRequired :: C.Lovelace, lovelaceFound :: C.Lovelace }
| NotEnoughMixedOutputsFor{ valuesNeeded :: C.Value, valueProvided :: C.Value, txBalance :: C.Value }
| NoWalletUTxOs -- ^ The wallet utxo set is empty
| NoAdaOnlyUTxOsForCollateral -- ^ The transaction body needs a collateral input, but there are no inputs that hold nothing but Ada
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
Expand All @@ -151,13 +151,13 @@ balancingError = either (throwError . BalancingError . Text.pack . C.docToString
data TxBalancingMessage =
| CompatibilityLevel{ compatibility :: !UTxOCompatibility, droppedTxIns :: !Int } -- ^ The plutus compatibility level applied to the wallet tx outputs
| PrepareInputs{walletBalance :: C.Value, transactionBalance :: C.Value} -- ^ Preparing to balance the transaction using the available wallet balance
| PrepareInputs{availableBalance :: C.Value, transactionBalance :: C.Value } -- ^ Preparing to balance the transaction using the available wallet balance
| StartBalancing{numInputs :: !Int, numOutputs :: !Int} -- ^ Balancing a transaction body
| ExUnitsMap{ exUnits :: [(C.ScriptWitnessIndex, Either String C.ExecutionUnits)] } -- ^ Execution units of the transaction, or error message in case of script error
| Txfee{ fee :: C.Lovelace } -- ^ The transaction fee
| TxRemainingBalance{ remainingBalance :: C.Value } -- ^ The remaining balance (after paying the fee)
| NoNonAdaAssetsMissing -- ^ The transaction was not missing any non-Ada assets.
| MissingNativeAssets [(C.PolicyId, C.AssetName, C.Quantity)] -- ^ The transaction is missing some non-Ada inputs, these will be covered from the wallet's UTxOs.
| NoAssetsMissing -- ^ The transaction was not missing any assets
| MissingAssets C.Value -- ^ The transaction is missing some inputs, these will be covered from the wallet's UTxOs.
| MissingLovelace C.Lovelace -- ^ The transaction is missing some Ada. The amount will be covered from the wallet's UTxOs.
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ balanceTx dbg returnUTxO0 walletUtxo txb = do
(finalBody, returnUTxO1) <- mapError ACoinSelectionError $ do
bodyWithInputs <- addOwnInput txb0 walletUtxo
bodyWithCollat <- setCollateral bodyWithInputs walletUtxo
addMissingInputs (natTracer lift dbg) pools params combinedTxIns returnUTxO0 walletUtxo bodyWithCollat
balancePositive (natTracer lift dbg) pools params combinedTxIns returnUTxO0 walletUtxo bodyWithCollat
count <- requiredSignatureCount finalBody
csi <- prepCSInputs count returnUTxO1 combinedTxIns finalBody
start <- querySystemStart
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -478,78 +478,65 @@ runsScripts body =
minting = body ^. (L.txMintValue . L._TxMintValue . _2)
in not (null scriptIns && Map.null minting)

{-| Add inputs to ensure that the balance is strictly positive
{-| Add inputs to ensure that the balance is strictly positive. After calling @balancePositive@
* The amount of Ada provided by the transaction's inputs minus (the amount of Ada produced by the transaction's outputs plus the change output) is greater than zero
* For all native tokens @t@, the amount of @t@ provided by the transaction's inputs minus (the amount of @t@ produced by the transaction's outputs plus the change output plus the delta of @t@ minted / burned) is equal to zero
addMissingInputs :: MonadError CoinSelectionError m => Tracer m TxBalancingMessage -> Set PoolId -> C.LedgerProtocolParameters BabbageEra -> C.UTxO ERA -> C.TxOut C.CtxTx C.BabbageEra -> UtxoSet ctx a -> TxBodyContent BuildTx ERA -> m (TxBodyContent BuildTx ERA, C.TxOut C.CtxTx C.BabbageEra)
addMissingInputs dbg poolIds ledgerPPs utxo_ returnUTxO0 walletUtxo txBodyContent0 = do
balancePositive :: MonadError CoinSelectionError m => Tracer m TxBalancingMessage -> Set PoolId -> C.LedgerProtocolParameters BabbageEra -> C.UTxO ERA -> C.TxOut C.CtxTx C.BabbageEra -> UtxoSet ctx a -> TxBodyContent BuildTx ERA -> m (TxBodyContent BuildTx ERA, C.TxOut C.CtxTx C.BabbageEra)
balancePositive dbg poolIds ledgerPPs utxo_ returnUTxO0 walletUtxo txBodyContent0 = do
txb <- either (throwError . bodyError) pure (C.createAndValidateTransactionBody C.ShelleyBasedEraBabbage txBodyContent0)
let bal = C.evaluateTransactionBalance C.ShelleyBasedEraBabbage (C.unLedgerProtocolParameters ledgerPPs) poolIds mempty mempty utxo_ txb & view L._TxOutValue
available = Utxos.removeUtxos (spentTxIns txBodyContent0) walletUtxo

-- minimum positive balance (in lovelace) that must be available to cover
-- * minimum deposit on the ada-only change output, if required, and
-- * transaction fee, incl. script fee if required
-- we set it to rather large value to ensure that we can build a valid transaction.
let threshold = negate (if runsScripts txBodyContent0 then 8_000_000 else 2_500_000)
balance = bal & L._Value . at C.AdaAssetId %~ maybe (Just threshold) (Just . (+) threshold)

traceWith dbg PrepareInputs
{ walletBalance = Utxos.totalBalance walletUtxo
, transactionBalance = bal
{ availableBalance = Utxos.totalBalance available
, transactionBalance = balance
(txBodyContent1, additionalBalance) <- addInputsForNonAdaAssets dbg bal walletUtxo txBodyContent0

let bal0 = bal <> additionalBalance
let (returnUTxO1, C.Lovelace deposit) = addOutputForNonAdaAssets ledgerPPs returnUTxO0 bal0

-- minimum positive balance (in lovelace) that must be available to cover
-- * minimum deposit on the ada-only change output, if required, and
-- * transaction fee, incl. script fee if required
-- we set it to rather large value to ensure that we can build a valid transaction.
let threshold =
if runsScripts txBodyContent1
then 8_000_000
else 2_500_000
C.Lovelace l = C.selectLovelace bal0
missingLovelace = C.Lovelace (deposit + threshold - l)

traceWith dbg (MissingLovelace missingLovelace)
(,returnUTxO1) <$> addAdaOnlyInputsFor missingLovelace available txBodyContent1

{-| Select inputs from the wallet's UTXO set to cover the given amount of lovelace.
Will only consider inputs that have no other assets besides Ada.
addAdaOnlyInputsFor :: MonadError CoinSelectionError m => C.Lovelace -> UtxoSet ctx a -> TxBodyContent BuildTx ERA -> m (TxBodyContent BuildTx ERA)
addAdaOnlyInputsFor l availableUtxo txBodyContent =
case Wallet.selectAdaInputsCovering availableUtxo l of
Nothing -> throwError (NotEnoughAdaOnlyOutputsFor l)
Just (_, ins) -> pure (txBodyContent & over L.txIns (<> fmap spendPubKeyTxIn ins))
(txBodyContent1, additionalBalance) <- addInputsForAssets dbg balance available txBodyContent0

let bal0 = balance <> additionalBalance
let (returnUTxO1, _deposit) = addOutputForNonAdaAssets ledgerPPs returnUTxO0 bal0

pure (txBodyContent1, returnUTxO1)

{-| Examine the negative part of the transaction balance and select inputs from
the wallet's UTXO set to cover the non-Ada assets required by it. If there are no
non-Ada asset then no inputs will be added.
the wallet's UTXO set to cover the assets required by it. If there are no
assets missing then no inputs will be added.
addInputsForNonAdaAssets ::
addInputsForAssets ::
MonadError CoinSelectionError m =>
Tracer m TxBalancingMessage ->
C.Value ->
UtxoSet ctx a ->
TxBodyContent BuildTx ERA ->
m (TxBodyContent BuildTx ERA, C.Value)
addInputsForNonAdaAssets dbg txBal availableUtxo txBodyContent
| isNothing (C.valueToLovelace $ C.valueFromList $ fst $ splitValue txBal) = do
let nativeAsset (C.AdaAssetId, _) = Nothing
nativeAsset (C.AssetId p n, C.Quantity q) = Just (p, n, C.Quantity (abs q))
missingNativeAssets = mapMaybe nativeAsset (fst $ splitValue txBal)
traceWith dbg (MissingNativeAssets missingNativeAssets)
case Wallet.selectMixedInputsCovering availableUtxo missingNativeAssets of
Nothing -> throwError (NotEnoughMixedOutputsFor missingNativeAssets (Utxos.totalBalance availableUtxo) txBal)
Just (total, ins) -> pure (txBodyContent & over L.txIns (<> fmap spendPubKeyTxIn ins), total)
| otherwise = do
traceWith dbg NoNonAdaAssetsMissing
C.Value -> -- ^ The balance of the transaction
UtxoSet ctx a -> -- ^ UTxOs that we can spend to cover the negative part of the balance
TxBodyContent BuildTx ERA -> -- ^ Transaction body
m (TxBodyContent BuildTx ERA, C.Value) -- ^ Transaction body with additional inputs and the total value of the additional inputs
addInputsForAssets dbg txBal availableUtxo txBodyContent
| null (fst $ splitValue txBal) = do
traceWith dbg NoAssetsMissing
return (txBodyContent, mempty)
| otherwise = do
let missingAssets = fmap (second abs) $ fst $ splitValue txBal
traceWith dbg (MissingAssets $ C.valueFromList missingAssets)
case Wallet.selectMixedInputsCovering availableUtxo missingAssets of
Nothing -> throwError (NotEnoughMixedOutputsFor (C.valueFromList missingAssets) (Utxos.totalBalance availableUtxo) txBal)
Just (total, ins) -> pure (txBodyContent & over L.txIns (<> fmap spendPubKeyTxIn ins), total)

{-| Examine the positive part of the transaction balance and add an output for
any non-Ada asset it contains. If the positive part only contains Ada then no
output is added.
{-| Examine the positive part of the transaction balance and add any non-Ada assets it contains
to the provided change output. If the positive part only contains Ada then the
change output is returned unmodified.
addOutputForNonAdaAssets ::
C.LedgerProtocolParameters BabbageEra -> -- ^ Protocol parameters (for computing the minimum lovelace amount in the output)
C.TxOut C.CtxTx C.BabbageEra -> -- ^ Address of the newly created output
C.TxOut C.CtxTx C.BabbageEra -> -- ^ Change output. Overflow non-Ada assets will be added to this output's value.
C.Value -> -- ^ The balance of the transaction
(C.TxOut C.CtxTx C.BabbageEra, C.Lovelace) -- ^ The modified transaction body and the lovelace portion of the change output's value. If no output was added then the amount will be 0.
(C.TxOut C.CtxTx C.BabbageEra, C.Lovelace) -- ^ The modified change output and the lovelace portion of the change output's value. If no output was added then the amount will be 0.
addOutputForNonAdaAssets pparams returnUTxO (C.valueFromList . snd . splitValue -> positives)
| isNothing (C.valueToLovelace positives) =
let vlWithoutAda = positives & set (L._Value . at C.AdaAssetId) Nothing
Expand Down
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/coin-selection/test/Spec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules (ShelleyLedgerPredFailure (..))
import Control.Lens (_3, _4, view, (&), (.~))
import Control.Monad (replicateM, void, when)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (execStateT, modify)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans (..))
import Convex.BuildTx (BuildTxT, addRequiredSignature,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ tests = testGroup "unit tests"
[ testCase "spending a public key output" spendPublicKeyOutput
, testCase "making several payments" makeSeveralPayments
, testProperty "balance transactions with many addresses" balanceMultiAddress
, testCase "build a transaction without Ada-only inputs" buildTxMixedInputs
, testGroup "scripts"
[ testCase "paying to a plutus script" (mockchainSucceeds $ failOnError payToPlutusScript)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,6 +301,31 @@ balanceMultiAddress = do
when (pkh `Set.member` txInputs || (C.verificationKeyHash . verificationKey $ oPaymentKey o) `Set.member` extraWits) (modify (signTxOperator o))
void (sendTx finalTx)

buildTxMixedInputs :: Assertion
buildTxMixedInputs = mockchainSucceeds $ failOnError $ do
testWallet <- liftIO Wallet.generateWallet
-- configure the UTxO set to that the new wallet has two outputs, each with 40 native tokens and 10 Ada.
utxoSet <- Utxos.fromApiUtxo . fromLedgerUTxO C.ShelleyBasedEraBabbage <$> getUtxo
let utxoVal = assetValue (C.hashScript $ C.PlutusScript C.PlutusScriptV1 mintingScript) "assetName" 40 <> C.lovelaceToValue 10_000_000
newUTxO = C.TxOut (Wallet.addressInEra Defaults.networkId testWallet) (C.TxOutValueShelleyBased C.ShelleyBasedEraBabbage $ C.toMaryValue utxoVal) C.TxOutDatumNone C.ReferenceScriptNone
txi :: C.TxId = "771dfef6ad6f1fc51eb399c07ff89257b06ba9822aec8f83d89012f04eb738f2"
$ C.toLedgerUTxO C.ShelleyBasedEraBabbage
$ Utxos.toApiUtxo
$ utxoSet
<> Utxos.singleton (C.TxIn txi $ C.TxIx 1000) (newUTxO, ())
<> Utxos.singleton (C.TxIn txi $ C.TxIx 1001) (newUTxO, ())

-- pay 'utxoVal' to wallet 1.
-- this requires both outputs to be included in the final transaction
-- so that there is enough Ada for the transaction fees.
$ balanceAndSubmit mempty testWallet
$ BuildTx.buildTx
$ BuildTx.execBuildTx
$ payToAddress (Wallet.addressInEra Defaults.networkId Wallet.w1) utxoVal

largeTransactionTest :: Assertion
largeTransactionTest = do
let largeDatum :: [Integer] = replicate 10_000 33
Expand Down
11 changes: 4 additions & 7 deletions src/wallet/lib/Convex/Wallet.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -142,17 +142,14 @@ selectAnyInputsCovering UtxoSet{_utxos} (C.Lovelace target) =
{-| Select inputs that cover the given amount of non-Ada
selectMixedInputsCovering :: UtxoSet ctx a -> [(C.PolicyId, C.AssetName, C.Quantity)] -> Maybe (C.Value, [C.TxIn])
selectMixedInputsCovering :: UtxoSet ctx a -> [(C.AssetId, C.Quantity)] -> Maybe (C.Value, [C.TxIn])
selectMixedInputsCovering UtxoSet{_utxos} xs =
let append (vl, txIns) (vl', txIn) = (vl <> vl', txIn : txIns)
coversTarget (candidateVl, _txIns) =
all (\(policyId, assetName, quantity) -> C.selectAsset candidateVl (C.AssetId policyId assetName) >= quantity) xs
requiredAssets = foldMap (\(p, a, _) -> Set.singleton (p, a)) xs
nonAdaAssets = \case
C.AdaAssetId -> Set.empty
C.AssetId p n -> Set.singleton (p, n)
all (\(assetId, quantity) -> C.selectAsset candidateVl assetId >= quantity) xs
requiredAssets = foldMap (\(a, _) -> Set.singleton a) xs
relevantValue (txIn, view (L._TxOut . _2 . L._TxOutValue) -> txOutValue) =
let providedAssets = foldMap (nonAdaAssets . fst) (C.valueToList txOutValue)
let providedAssets = foldMap (Set.singleton . fst) (C.valueToList txOutValue)
in if Set.null (Set.intersection requiredAssets providedAssets)
then Nothing
else Just (txOutValue, txIn)
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