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Add witness map to tx build (#121) (#122)
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* Add witness map to tx build

* Add a test for the index lookup function

* Add reference inputs
  • Loading branch information
j-mueller authored Feb 28, 2024
1 parent d432314 commit 66bd816
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Showing 9 changed files with 252 additions and 69 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Move `Convex.BuildTx` and `Convex.CoinSelection.CardanoAPI` from `convex-coin-selection` to `convex-base`
- Rename `Convex.CoinSelection.CardanoAPI` to `Convex.CoinSelection`
* When selecting public-key UTxOs during coin selection, outputs that are incompatible with PlutusV1 scripts are excluded.
* Fixed a bug in coin selection where the wallet's mixed inputs were not considered for a `TxBodyContent` with zero inputs
* `Convex.BuildTx`: Added the option to look at all of a transaction's inputs when building a transaction

- Added a `Tracer m TxBalancingMessage` argument to the coin selection functions. This prints out useful information about decisions taken during coin selection and balancing. Instantiate with `mempty` to ignore the messages.
- Changed the `protocolParameters`, `ledgerProtocolParameters` lenses in `Convex.NodeParams` to update the other field too (making sure they are always in sync)
- Export `Convex.Wallet.MockWallet.w4`
Expand Down
210 changes: 158 additions & 52 deletions src/base/lib/Convex/BuildTx.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,52 +1,74 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-| Building transactions
module Convex.BuildTx(
-- * Tx Builder
-- ** Looking at transaction inputs
-- * Effect

-- * Building transactions

-- ** Variations of @addInput@

-- ** Adding outputs

-- ** Minting and burning tokens

-- ** Utilities

-- * Minimum Ada deposit
Expand All @@ -56,10 +78,13 @@ module Convex.BuildTx(
import Cardano.Api.Shelley (Hash, NetworkId, PaymentKey,
PlutusScript, PlutusScriptV1,
PlutusScriptV2, ScriptData,
ScriptHash, TxBodyContent (..),
WitCtxTxIn, Witness)
import qualified Cardano.Api.Shelley as C
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Core as CLedger
import Control.Lens (_1, _2, at, mapped, over, set, (&))
import Control.Lens (_1, _2, at, mapped, over, set,
view, (&))
import qualified Control.Lens as L
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (..))
import qualified Control.Monad.State as LazyState
import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState (..))
Expand All @@ -78,55 +103,123 @@ import Convex.MonadLog (MonadLog (..), MonadLogIgnoreT,
import Convex.Scripts (toScriptData)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api as Plutus

newtype BTX = BTX{ unBtx :: C.TxBodyContent C.BuildTx C.BabbageEra -> C.TxBodyContent C.BuildTx C.BabbageEra }
{-| A map of all inputs of the final transaction produced by a @TxBuilder@
-- TOOO: This is essentially a subset of @TxBodyContent BuildTx@. Maybe we should
-- just make the entire @TxBodyContent BuildTx@ available to 'addInput'?
data TransactionInputs = TransactionInputs
{ txiSpendingInputs :: Map C.TxIn (Witness WitCtxTxIn C.BabbageEra) -- ^ Inputs spent by the final transaction
, txiReferenceInputs :: Set C.TxIn -- ^ Reference inputs used by the final transaction

mkTxInputs :: C.TxBodyContent C.BuildTx C.BabbageEra -> TransactionInputs
mkTxInputs TxBodyContent{txIns, txInsReference} =
{ txiSpendingInputs = Map.fromList (fmap (view L._BuildTxWith) <$> txIns)
, txiReferenceInputs = Set.fromList (view L._TxInsReference txInsReference)

{-| Look up the index of the @TxIn@ in the list of spending inputs
lookupIndexSpending :: C.TxIn -> TransactionInputs -> Maybe Int
lookupIndexSpending txi = Map.lookupIndex txi . txiSpendingInputs

{-| Look up the index of the @TxIn@ in the list of reference inputs
lookupIndexReference :: C.TxIn -> TransactionInputs -> Maybe Int
lookupIndexReference txi = Set.lookupIndex txi . txiReferenceInputs

{-| Look up the index of the @TxIn@ in the list of spending inputs
findIndexSpending :: C.TxIn -> TransactionInputs -> Int
findIndexSpending txi = Map.findIndex txi . txiSpendingInputs

{-| Look up the index of the @TxIn@ in the list of reference inputs
findIndexReference :: C.TxIn -> TransactionInputs -> Int
findIndexReference txi = Set.findIndex txi . txiReferenceInputs

{-| A function that modifies the @TxBodyContent@, after seeing the inputs of
the entire finished transaction (lazily).
Note that the result of @unTxBuilder inputs@ must not depend on the entirety of
@inputs@. For example, using this to construct a redeemer that contains the whole
@TransactionInputs@ map is going to loop forever. However, it is fine to look
at all the keys of the map, and at individual values of the map.
newtype TxBuilder = TxBuilder{ unTxBuilder :: TransactionInputs -> C.TxBodyContent C.BuildTx C.BabbageEra -> C.TxBodyContent C.BuildTx C.BabbageEra }

{-| Construct the final @TxBodyContent@
buildTx :: TxBuilder -> C.TxBodyContent C.BuildTx C.BabbageEra
buildTx txb = buildTxWith txb L.emptyTx

instance Semigroup BTX where
{-| Construct the final @TxBodyContent@ from the provided @TxBodyContent@
buildTxWith :: TxBuilder -> C.TxBodyContent C.BuildTx C.BabbageEra -> C.TxBodyContent C.BuildTx C.BabbageEra
buildTxWith TxBuilder{unTxBuilder} initial =
let mp :: TransactionInputs
mp = mkTxInputs result
result = unTxBuilder mp initial
in result

instance Semigroup TxBuilder where
-- note that the order here is reversed, compared to @Data.Monoid.Endo@.
-- This is so that @addBtx a >> addBtx b@ will result in a transaction
-- where @a@ has been applied before @b@.
(BTX l) <> (BTX r) = BTX (r . l)
(TxBuilder l) <> (TxBuilder r) = TxBuilder $ \k -> (r k . l k)

instance Monoid BTX where
mempty = BTX id
instance Monoid TxBuilder where
mempty = TxBuilder $ const id

{-| An effect that collects @TxBuilder@ values for building
cardano transactions
class Monad m => MonadBuildTx m where
addBtx :: TxBuild -> m ()
-- | Add a @TxBuilder@
addTxBuilder :: TxBuilder -> m ()

instance MonadBuildTx m => MonadBuildTx (ExceptT e m) where
addBtx = lift . addBtx
addTxBuilder = lift . addTxBuilder

instance MonadBuildTx m => MonadBuildTx (StrictState.StateT e m) where
addBtx = lift . addBtx
addTxBuilder = lift . addTxBuilder

instance MonadBuildTx m => MonadBuildTx (LazyState.StateT e m) where
addBtx = lift . addBtx
addTxBuilder = lift . addTxBuilder

instance (Monoid w, MonadBuildTx m) => MonadBuildTx (WriterT w m) where
addBtx = lift . addBtx
addTxBuilder = lift . addTxBuilder

instance MonadBuildTx m => MonadBuildTx (MonadBlockchainCardanoNodeT e m) where
addBtx = lift . addBtx
addTxBuilder = lift . addTxBuilder

instance MonadBuildTx m => MonadBuildTx (MonadLogIgnoreT m) where
addBtx = lift . addBtx
addTxBuilder = lift . addTxBuilder

instance MonadBuildTx m => MonadBuildTx (MonadLogKatipT m) where
addBtx = lift . addBtx
addTxBuilder = lift . addTxBuilder

addBtx :: MonadBuildTx m => (C.TxBodyContent C.BuildTx C.BabbageEra -> C.TxBodyContent C.BuildTx C.BabbageEra) -> m ()
addBtx = addTxBuilder . TxBuilder . const

{-| Monad transformer for the @MonadBuildTx@ effect
newtype BuildTxT m a = BuildTxT{unBuildTxT :: WriterT BTX m a }
newtype BuildTxT m a = BuildTxT{unBuildTxT :: WriterT TxBuilder m a }
deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

instance MonadTrans BuildTxT where
lift = BuildTxT . lift

instance Monad m => MonadBuildTx (BuildTxT m) where
addBtx = BuildTxT . tell . BTX
addTxBuilder = BuildTxT . tell

instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (BuildTxT m) where
throwError = lift . throwError
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,31 +250,37 @@ instance MonadLog m => MonadLog (BuildTxT m) where

{-| Run the @BuildTxT@ monad transformer
runBuildTxT :: Functor m => BuildTxT m a -> m (a, TxBuild)
runBuildTxT = fmap (fmap unBtx) . runWriterT . unBuildTxT
runBuildTxT :: BuildTxT m a -> m (a, TxBuilder)
runBuildTxT = runWriterT . unBuildTxT

{-| Run the @BuildTxT@ monad transformer, returning the @TxBuild@ part only
execBuildTxT :: Monad m => BuildTxT m a -> m TxBuild
execBuildTxT = fmap unBtx . execWriterT . unBuildTxT
execBuildTxT :: Monad m => BuildTxT m a -> m TxBuilder
execBuildTxT = execWriterT . unBuildTxT

{-| Run the @BuildTxT@ monad transformer, returnin only the result
evalBuildTxT :: Monad m => BuildTxT m a -> m a
evalBuildTxT = fmap fst . runWriterT . unBuildTxT

runBuildTx :: BuildTxT Identity a -> (a, TxBuild)
runBuildTx :: BuildTxT Identity a -> (a, TxBuilder)
runBuildTx = runIdentity . runBuildTxT

execBuildTx :: BuildTxT Identity a -> TxBuild
execBuildTx :: BuildTxT Identity a -> TxBuilder
execBuildTx = runIdentity . execBuildTxT

{-| Run the @BuildTx@ action and produce a transaction body
execBuildTx' :: BuildTxT Identity a -> C.TxBodyContent C.BuildTx C.BabbageEra
execBuildTx' = flip ($) L.emptyTx . runIdentity . execBuildTxT
execBuildTx' = buildTx . runIdentity . execBuildTxT

type TxBuild = C.TxBodyContent C.BuildTx C.BabbageEra -> C.TxBodyContent C.BuildTx C.BabbageEra
{-| Spend an UTxO using the given witness. To avoid an infinite loop when
constructing the witness, make sure that the witness does not depend on
itself. For example, @addInput txi (\mp -> Map.lookup txi mp)@ is going
to loop.
addInput :: MonadBuildTx m => C.TxIn -> (TransactionInputs -> Witness WitCtxTxIn C.BabbageEra) -> m ()
addInput txIn f = addTxBuilder (TxBuilder $ \lkp -> (over L.txIns ((txIn, C.BuildTxWith $ f lkp) :)))

{-| Spend an output locked by a public key
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,16 +309,16 @@ spendPlutusV2InlineDatum txIn s (toScriptData -> red) =
wit' = C.BuildTxWith (C.ScriptWitness C.ScriptWitnessForSpending wit)
in setScriptsValid >> addBtx (over L.txIns ((txIn, wit') :))

spendPlutusV2RefBase :: forall redeemer m. (MonadBuildTx m, Plutus.ToData redeemer) => C.TxIn -> C.TxIn -> Maybe C.ScriptHash -> C.ScriptDatum C.WitCtxTxIn -> redeemer -> m ()
spendPlutusV2RefBase txIn refTxIn sh dat (toScriptData -> red) =
let wit = C.PlutusScriptWitness C.PlutusScriptV2InBabbage C.PlutusScriptV2 (C.PReferenceScript refTxIn sh) dat red (C.ExecutionUnits 0 0)
wit' = C.BuildTxWith (C.ScriptWitness C.ScriptWitnessForSpending wit)
in setScriptsValid >> addBtx (over L.txIns ((txIn, wit') :))
spendPlutusV2RefBase :: forall redeemer m. (MonadBuildTx m, Plutus.ToData redeemer) => C.TxIn -> C.TxIn -> Maybe C.ScriptHash -> C.ScriptDatum C.WitCtxTxIn -> (Int -> redeemer) -> m ()
spendPlutusV2RefBase txIn refTxIn sh dat red =
let wit lkp = C.PlutusScriptWitness C.PlutusScriptV2InBabbage C.PlutusScriptV2 (C.PReferenceScript refTxIn sh) dat (toScriptData $ red $ findIndexSpending txIn lkp) (C.ExecutionUnits 0 0)
wit' = C.BuildTxWith . C.ScriptWitness C.ScriptWitnessForSpending . wit
in setScriptsValid >> addTxBuilder (TxBuilder $ \lkp -> over L.txIns ((txIn, wit' lkp) :))

{-| same as spendPlutusV2RefBase but adds the reference script in the reference input list
{-| Spend an output locked by a Plutus V2 validator using the redeemer
spendPlutusV2RefBaseWithInRef :: forall redeemer m. (MonadBuildTx m, Plutus.ToData redeemer) => C.TxIn -> C.TxIn -> Maybe C.ScriptHash -> C.ScriptDatum C.WitCtxTxIn -> redeemer -> m ()
spendPlutusV2RefBaseWithInRef txIn refTxIn sh dat red = spendPlutusV2RefBase txIn refTxIn sh dat red >> addReference refTxIn
spendPlutusV2RefBaseWithInRef txIn refTxIn sh dat red = spendPlutusV2RefBase txIn refTxIn sh dat (const red) >> addReference refTxIn

spendPlutusV2Ref :: forall datum redeemer m. (MonadBuildTx m, Plutus.ToData datum, Plutus.ToData redeemer) => C.TxIn -> C.TxIn -> Maybe C.ScriptHash -> datum -> redeemer -> m ()
spendPlutusV2Ref txIn refTxIn sh (toScriptData -> dat) red = spendPlutusV2RefBaseWithInRef txIn refTxIn sh (C.ScriptDatumForTxIn dat) red
Expand All @@ -233,13 +332,12 @@ spendPlutusV2RefWithInlineDatum txIn refTxIn sh red = spendPlutusV2RefBaseWithIn
This is to cover the case whereby the reference script utxo is expected to be consumed in the same tx.
spendPlutusV2RefWithoutInRef :: forall datum redeemer m. (MonadBuildTx m, Plutus.ToData datum, Plutus.ToData redeemer) => C.TxIn -> C.TxIn -> Maybe C.ScriptHash -> datum -> redeemer -> m ()
spendPlutusV2RefWithoutInRef txIn refTxIn sh (toScriptData -> dat) red = spendPlutusV2RefBase txIn refTxIn sh (C.ScriptDatumForTxIn dat) red
spendPlutusV2RefWithoutInRef txIn refTxIn sh (toScriptData -> dat) red = spendPlutusV2RefBase txIn refTxIn sh (C.ScriptDatumForTxIn dat) (const red)

{-| same as spendPlutusV2RefWithoutInRef but considers inline datum at the spent utxo
spendPlutusV2RefWithoutInRefInlineDatum :: forall redeemer m. (MonadBuildTx m, Plutus.ToData redeemer) => C.TxIn -> C.TxIn -> Maybe C.ScriptHash -> redeemer -> m ()
spendPlutusV2RefWithoutInRefInlineDatum txIn refTxIn sh red = spendPlutusV2RefBase txIn refTxIn sh C.InlineScriptDatum red

spendPlutusV2RefWithoutInRefInlineDatum txIn refTxIn sh red = spendPlutusV2RefBase txIn refTxIn sh C.InlineScriptDatum (const red)

mintPlutusV1 :: forall redeemer m. (MonadBuildTx m, Plutus.ToData redeemer) => PlutusScript PlutusScriptV1 -> redeemer -> C.AssetName -> C.Quantity -> m ()
mintPlutusV1 script (toScriptData -> red) assetName quantity =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,6 +454,9 @@ setMinAdaDeposit params txOut =
let minUtxo = minAdaDeposit params txOut
in txOut & over (L._TxOut . _2 . L._TxOutValue . L._Value . at C.AdaAssetId) (maybe (Just minUtxo) (Just . max minUtxo))

{-| Calculate the minimum amount of Ada that must be locked in the given UTxO to
satisfy the ledger's minimum Ada constraint.
minAdaDeposit :: CLedger.PParams (C.ShelleyLedgerEra C.BabbageEra) -> C.TxOut C.CtxTx C.BabbageEra -> C.Quantity
minAdaDeposit params txOut =
let minAdaValue = C.Quantity 3_000_000
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,3 +484,8 @@ addRequiredSignature sig =
prependTxOut :: MonadBuildTx m => C.TxOut C.CtxTx C.BabbageEra -> m ()
prependTxOut txOut = addBtx (over L.txOuts ((:) txOut))

{-| Add a transaction output to the end of the list of transaction outputs.
addOutput :: MonadBuildTx m => C.TxOut C.CtxTx C.BabbageEra -> m ()
addOutput txOut = addBtx (over (L.txOuts . L.reversed) ((:) txOut))
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/coin-selection/convex-coin-selection.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ test-suite convex-coin-selection-test
base >= 4.14.0,
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/coin-selection/lib/Convex/CoinSelection.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans (..))
import Control.Tracer (Tracer, natTracer, traceWith)
import Convex.BuildTx (addCollateral, execBuildTx,
import Convex.BuildTx (addCollateral, buildTxWith,
execBuildTx, setMinAdaDeposit,
import qualified Convex.CardanoApi as CC
import Convex.Class (MonadBlockchain (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ addOwnInput body (Utxos.removeUtxos (spentTxIns body) -> UtxoSet{_utxos})
| not (Map.null _utxos) =
-- Select ada-only outputs if possible
let availableUTxOs = List.sortOn (length . view (L._TxOut . _2 . L._TxOutValue . to C.valueToList) . fst . snd) (Map.toList _utxos)
in pure (execBuildTx (spendPublicKeyOutput (fst $ head availableUTxOs)) body)
in pure $ buildTxWith (execBuildTx (spendPublicKeyOutput (fst $ head availableUTxOs))) body
| otherwise = throwError NoWalletUTxOs

-- | Add a collateral input. Throws a 'NoAdaOnlyUTxOsForCollateral' error if a collateral input is required,
Expand All @@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ setCollateral body (Utxos.onlyAda -> UtxoSet{_utxos}) =
-- select the output with the largest amount of Ada
case listToMaybe $ List.sortOn (Down . C.selectLovelace . view (L._TxOut . _2 . L._TxOutValue) . fst . snd) $ Map.toList _utxos of
Nothing -> throwError NoAdaOnlyUTxOsForCollateral
Just (k, _) -> pure (execBuildTx (addCollateral k) body)
Just (k, _) -> pure $ buildTxWith (execBuildTx (addCollateral k)) body

{-| Whether the transaction runs any plutus scripts
Expand Down

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