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Common Tag Value Variables

Justin Kruger edited this page Jun 3, 2020 · 1 revision

Common Tag / Value / Variables

dBpoweramp Audio Converter (dMC) Tags, Properties

for batch processing, converting, processing audio files

dBpoweramp Naming Tags

Name Description
[artist] track's artist or (artist list)
[album artist] album's artist
[album] album title
[title] track title
[disc] disc number
[disc_total] total number of discs in multi-disc
[composer] album composer
[conductor] album conductor; normally used for classical music
[genre] album or track genre, depending on settings
[isrc] International Standard Recording Code
[year] YYYY MM DD, software configurable to YYYY
[track_total] total number of tracks in album/disc
[upc] album UPC code
[tag]<key>[] access custom or non-standard tags
[tags]<key>,<delimiter>[] access custom or non-standard tags

dBpoweramp Naming Properties

Name Description
[audio_quality] Audio Quality
[bitrate] Bitrate
[k_bitrate] Bitrate (Kbps)
[bits_per_sample] Bits per Sample
[bytes_per_sample] Bytes per Sample
[channels] Channels
[channels_subone] Channels -1
[encoder] name of the encoder (LAME, Nero, etc.)
[encoder+] detailed encoder info
[extension] audio format extension (wav, mp3, flac, etc.)
[frequency] frequency
[gapless] gap-less track
[id_tag] ID Tag Type
[length] track length in milliseconds
[length_mmss] track length in minutes and seconds (mm:ss)
[length_hhmmss] track length in hours, minutes, and seconds (hh:mm:ss)
[protected] protected
[date] current date
[time] current time
[day_of_week] current day of the week
[now_year] current year
[origpath] source path
[origfilename] source filename
[discunique] disc unique number ( from where? )
[unique] track unique number ( from where? )
[cddb_id] unique disc ID from CDDB

dBpoweramp Video Converter (dMV) values

for batch processing video files

Name Description
[year] YYYY MM DD, software configurable to YYYY
[origpath] the source file path (used for batch/ conversions, not CD Ripping
[origfilename] the source filename ( minus extension, for batch / conversions, not CD Ripping)
[origdrive] the source drive in the path, example c:\
[bitrate] overall bitrate
[frame rate]
[frame count]
[aspect ratio]
[pixel format]
[color space]
[video bitrate]
[sample rate]
[sample size]
[audio bitrate]