I'm Jack Caesar. I mostly work on video games in the Lemnsicate Games series, but have a wide range of software experience and other skills. Currently a sophomore in college studying computer science as Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.
- Mana Cycle. Originally made for TSA Video Game Design competition. An indie game by me and 2 other fellow classmates from high school. Released and self-published on Steam in Summer 2024.
- Plenty of other games with varying amounts of development time. Many are made for game jams (hackathon-like events but for games). My games released on itch.io can be found on my itch.io page.
- Some of my best Unity game jam games: Slay Yourself, Scaleton, Morpho Builder
- Currently working on a large Action RPG project, codenamed Expedition
- Which Witch? for the SIUE Cougar Jam 2024, developed in 36 hours with a team of 3 others
- Expedition, a large 3d top-down action RPG project in Godot I'm working on
- Infinity Realm Trials, my first Godot game, made in about 2 weeks
- Unity Game Engine - mana cycle, game jam games, etc
- Advent of Code 2022 & 2023
- Pattonvile High School's FTC Robotics team, member for 3 years, captain for 1 year. Used libraries such as FtcRobotController, OpenCV and TensorFlow.
- SpringBoot as a backend for our WorldWide Tech Student Forum entry in 2022
- Experience with Numpy, pandas, Flask, and other libraries
- No major projects yet but I know the language pretty well
- Have delved into libraries such as AngularJS and React in the past and made basic to intermediate websites.
- GDScript - Godot's programming language
- C++ / C - Used for most school projects.
- Shaders - have gained quite a bit of experience, via creating shader in both Unity and Godot, using mostly hte engines' built-in shader tools/languages, and a bit of GLSL/HLSL.