A curated list of awesome articles, websites and resources about tech feminism (aka technofeminism) and feminist technology.
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- Awesome lists
- Organisations
- Events & Conferences
- Videos
- Non-English resources
- City/Region/Country-specific
Other related awesome lists and resource collections:
- Awesome Diversity - a curated list of amazingly awesome articles, websites and resources about diversity in technology.
- Feminist / Women / Gender Diversity in Tech Initiatives in Vienna - a link/resource collection for initiatives in Vienna (Austria).
- fem vienna - an overview of feminist organizations in Vienna (not exclusively in tech context, but with a strong focus on it)
- DjangoGirls - a global network of communities that empowers and helps women to organize free, one-day programming workshops based on the Django web application framework.
- ngGirls - a global network of workshops and events to introduce women to the world of technology based on building a web application with Angular.
- PyLadies - an international mentorship group with a focus on helping more women become active participants and leaders in the Python open-source community.
- R-Ladies - a worldwide organisation whose mission is to promote gender diversity in the R community.
- systerserver - offers services to its network of feminist, queer and antipatriarchal folks, run by feminists, using FOSS.
- WiCyS - Women in CyberSecurity - academic and industry network for the advancement of women in cybersecurity.
- Women4Cyber - a non-profit European private foundation with the objective to promote, encourage and support the participation of women in the field of cybersecurity.
- Women in Tech e.V. - an association in the DACH-region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) with the aim that technology is designed by all genders
- /ETC - Eclectic Tech Carnival - a gathering of feminists who critically explore and develop everyday skills and information technologies in the context of free and open source software and hardware
- PyLadiesCon - a global online conference covering all topics related to Python programming, organised by the global network of PyLadies communities
- Women Techmakers Vienna - first a local conf in Vienna (Austria), then an online conference (last edition so far 2020)
- Can architecture and planning ensure safety for women? | Vania Ceccato | TEDxKTHWomen
- Feminism - For more Equity in AI | Eva Gengler | TEDxCBS Cologne
- The Feminist City | Dr. Ellie Cosgrave | TEDxUCLWomen
- The surprising neuroscience of gender inequality | Janet Crawford | TEDxSanDiego
- Why we need to design feminist AI | Josie Young | TEDxLondonWomen
- Women In Technology Spotlight - a YouTube channel with interviews and expert talks featuring women working in IT across the spectrum of different roles.
- F.U.C.K. - Feminismus und Computer Kram, FLINTA* online hackspace (bilingual mode for English-speakers)
- Haecksen - eine Gruppe für Techniker*innen, Hacker*innen, Maker*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen, Künstler*innen, Aktivist*innen im Umfeld der deutschen Hacker*innenszene und solche, die es werden wollen
- techshelikes - eine deutschsprachige Plattform mit dem Ziel Technologie und Technik für Mädchen und Frauen zugänglicher und interessanter zu machen und die Vielfalt an Jobs mit “purpose & impact” in dieser Branche aufzuzeigen.
- Female Coders - Gruppe für Frauen, die im Rahmen zweiwöchentlicher Study Groups ihre Programmierkenntnisse erweitern oder auffrischen möchten (hauptsächlich in Linz & Wien)
- IEEE Women in Engineering Austria - Austrian chapter (with lots of connections in Vienna) of the IEEE Women in Engineering
- OVE Fem – Frauen in der Elektrotechnik - Frauennetzwerk im Österreichischen Verband für Elektrotechnik (OVE)
- VÖSI Special Interest Group Women in ICT - Quartalsweise Meetups, Vernetzung und Kooperationen im Rahmen des Verbands Österreichischer Software Industrie (VÖSI)
- #TheNewITGirls - a community for women in tech with monthly meetups
- AWS Women's User Group - empower women in cloud computing by organizing meetups (female-only speakers, mixed participants),
- diebin.at - queer*feminist ICT collective providing ICT infrastructure and workshops
- G:URL*s Coding Club - Female-only study groups and workshops
- Feminist Linux Meetup für Frauen*, Non-Binary*, Trans* und Inter* Personen - … monatlicher Vernetzungs-, Lern-, Probier- & Experimentierraum
- Mz* Baltazar’s Lab - feminist collective and hackerspace with a focus on DIY projects on the intersection of arts, technology & feminism
- PyLadies Vienna - meetups and beginner courses for the Python programming language (part of the international PyLadies network).
- QueerJS - QueerJS is a meetup series where everyone is encouraged to attend and support the speakers and the idea.
- Referat für Gleichbehandlung und Frauenförderung an der ÖH der TU Wien - womens' department of the students union at the TU Wien
- SHEcurity - Community of women and FINTA* who are passionate about cybersecurity including interest groups for CSIO, risk management and a bookclub.
- SheDigital - Vernetzung von mehr als 60 IT-Frauennetzwerke, initiiert von der DigitalCity.Wien
- Women And Code - non-profit initiative to connect female* developers in Austria, which offers different events such as software developer meetups in Vienna in particular.
- Women in Privacy & Security meetup - a Vienna-based community of female students, young academics, allies and advocates, dedicated to bringing talented women together to celebrate and foster their passion and drive for privacy and security.
This refers to the region spanning the three German-speaking countries Germany (D), Austria (A), and Switzerland (CH).
- Black Women in Tech DACH - an organization connection Black Women in the Technology industry and paving the way for those looking to break into Tech across DACH.
- Heart of Code - ein Hackspace für programmierende und technikbegeisterte Frauen (trans und cis), trans* und nicht-binäre Personen
- F.U.C.K. München - FNTI* und Computer Kram - monatliches Event in dem der µc3 Hackspace ausschließlich von FNTI* Personen genutzt wird
- Ready to Code - Online-Programmierworkshops und Networking Events für mehr Gendergerechtigkeit in der IT
- also hosting the Cocktails & Code meetup
- varia - a space in Rotterdam for developing collective approaches to everyday technology, with feminist hack meetings and explorations and reflections on feminist IT infrastructures