Test of various geometry serialization methods
Uses shapefile from: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/geodata/catalog/county/html/county.htm
(specifically http://www.nws.noaa.gov/geodata/catalog/county/data/c_03de13.zip )
Shapefile has ~31k features in it.
#To Run Download shape file, unzip it somewhere, and edit the main method in App.java to point to the shape file. Then
mvn clean compile
mvn exec:exec
#Results on an i7-920
Serializer: GeoTools Simple Feature [Serialize: 11864.52 msec][Deserialize: 12044.95 msec]
Serializer: JTS WKT [Serialize: 7403.86 msec][Deserialize: 8394.77 msec]
Serializer: JTS WKB [Serialize: 291.33 msec][Deserialize: 200.09 msec]
Serializer: Thrift + WKB [Serialize: 334.04 msec][Deserialize: 247.26 msec]
#Note GeoTools Simple Feature and Thrift + WKB tests serialize all attributes - the JTS tests just serialize geometries