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GenGraphToolkit functions

Jambler edited this page Jun 3, 2019 · 2 revisions


Extract original sequence

Creates a fasta file for the isolate requested from the genome graph.

python ./ extract_fasta_file --graph_file <graph.xml> --isolate <isolate required> --out_file_name <file name for fasta>

Extract region

Extract a region of a sequence for an isolate (For example to return the sequence of a gene).

python ./ extract_region --graph_file <graph.xml> --isolate <isolate required> --extract_sequence_range <start position> <stop position>

Extract pan-transcriptome

Generates a pan-transriptome in fasta format using the annotations provided in the sequence file. A .csv file is also created containing genes identified to be homologous.

python ./ extract_pan_transcriptome --graph_file <graph.xml> --seq_file <sequence_input_file.txt> --out_file_name <prefix for output files>

Ancestral genome extraction

Generates a hypothetical ancestral genome and adds the path to the genome graph. The ancestral genome can then be extracted as a fasta file.

python ./ extract_ancesteral_genome --out_file_name <prefix for output files> --graph_file <graph.xml>