The Belly Button Analysis dashboard is available for preview at
Belly Button Biodiveristy Analysis used an interactive dashboard to explore the Belly Button Biodiversity DataSet.
This project used JavaScript, Plotly.js, Python, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Flask to explore the Belly Button Biodiverisity dataset. The data was analyzed and then I built three graphs using Plotly and Javascript. The pie chart shows the top ten samples for a particular sample id. The bubble chart shows all the samples and OTU ID data points. Metadata for the sample is also displayed, along with a gauge chart for wahing freequency. The display for each key/value pair from the metadata JSON object on the page. The graphs resize when the page size is modified.
- the Flask app that calls the Python functions to read and store the bio samples, OTU and metagata.
index.html- Contains the Javascript code to get the data and create the 3 chars, the metadata, and the dropdown with the list of sample IDs.
style.css- CSS styling for the panel
Lastly, the FLASK app was deployed to Heroku to dipslay the interactive dashboard