Java Compiler Compiler (JavaCC) is the most popular parser generator for use with Java applications.
A parser generator is a tool that reads a grammar specification and converts it to a Java program that can recognize matches to the grammar.
In addition to the parser generator itself, JavaCC provides other standard capabilities related to parser generation such as tree building (via a tool called JJTree included with JavaCC), actions and debugging.
All you need to run a JavaCC parser, once generated, is a Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
This README is meant as a brief overview of the core features and how to set things up to get yourself started with JavaCC. For a fully detailed documentation, please see
JavaCC generates top-down (recursive descent) parsers as opposed to bottom-up parsers generated by YACC-like tools. This allows the use of more general grammars, although left-recursion is disallowed. Top-down parsers have a number of other advantages (besides more general grammars) such as being easier to debug, having the ability to parse to any non-terminal in the grammar, and also having the ability to pass values (attributes) both up and down the parse tree during parsing.
By default, JavaCC generates an
parser. However, there may be portions of grammar that are notLL(1)
. JavaCC offers the capabilities of syntactic and semantic lookahead to resolve shift-shift ambiguities locally at these points. For example, the parser isLL(k)
only at such points, but remainsLL(1)
everywhere else for better performance. Shift-reduce and reduce-reduce conflicts are not an issue for top-down parsers. -
JavaCC generates parsers that are 100% pure Java, so there is no runtime dependency on JavaCC and no special porting effort required to run on different machine platforms.
JavaCC allows extended BNF specifications - such as
etc - within the lexical and the grammar specifications. Extended BNF relieves the need for left-recursion to some extent. In fact, extended BNF is often easier to read as inA ::= y(x)*
versusA ::= Ax|y
. -
The lexical specifications (such as regular expressions, strings) and the grammar specifications (the BNF) are both written together in the same file. It makes grammars easier to read since it is possible to use regular expressions inline in the grammar specification, and also easier to maintain.
The lexical analyzer of JavaCC can handle full Unicode input, and lexical specifications may also include any Unicode character. This facilitates descriptions of language elements such as Java identifiers that allow certain Unicode characters (that are not ASCII), but not others.
JavaCC offers Lex-like lexical state and lexical action capabilities. Specific aspects in JavaCC that are superior to other tools are the first class status it offers concepts such as
and state changes. This allows cleaner specifications as well as better error and warning messages from JavaCC. -
Tokens that are defined as special tokens in the lexical specification are ignored during parsing, but these tokens are available for processing by the tools. A useful application of this is in the processing of comments.
Lexical specifications can define tokens not to be case-sensitive either at the global level for the entire lexical specification, or on an individual lexical specification basis.
JavaCC comes with JJTree, an extremely powerful tree building pre-processor.
JavaCC also includes JJDoc, a tool that converts grammar files to documentation files, optionally in HTML.
JavaCC offers many options to customize its behavior and the behavior of the generated parsers. Examples of such options are the kinds of Unicode processing to perform on the input stream, the number of tokens of ambiguity checking to perform etc.
JavaCC error reporting is among the best in parser generators. JavaCC generated parsers are able to clearly point out the location of parse errors with complete diagnostic information.
Using options
, users can get in-depth analysis of the parsing and the token processing steps. -
The JavaCC release includes a wide range of examples including Java and HTML grammars. The examples, along with their documentation, are a great way to get acquainted with JavaCC.
JavaCC generates top-down (recursive descent) parsers as opposed to bottom-up parsers generated by YACC-like tools. This allows the use of more general grammars, although left-recursion is disallowed. Top-down parsers have a number of other advantages (besides more general grammars) such as being easier to debug, having the ability to parse to any non-terminal in the grammar, and also having the ability to pass values (attributes) both up and down the parse tree during parsing.
By default, JavaCC generates an
parser. However, there may be portions of grammar that are notLL(1)
. JavaCC offers the capabilities of syntactic and semantic lookahead to resolve shift-shift ambiguities locally at these points. For example, the parser isLL(k)
only at such points, but remainsLL(1)
everywhere else for better performance. Shift-reduce and reduce-reduce conflicts are not an issue for top-down parsers. -
JavaCC generates parsers that are 100% pure Java, so there is no runtime dependency on JavaCC and no special porting effort required to run on different machine platforms.
JavaCC allows extended BNF specifications - such as
etc - within the lexical and the grammar specifications. Extended BNF relieves the need for left-recursion to some extent. In fact, extended BNF is often easier to read as inA ::= y(x)*
versusA ::= Ax|y
. -
The lexical specifications (such as regular expressions, strings) and the grammar specifications (the BNF) are both written together in the same file. It makes grammars easier to read since it is possible to use regular expressions inline in the grammar specification, and also easier to maintain.
The lexical analyzer of JavaCC can handle full Unicode input, and lexical specifications may also include any Unicode character. This facilitates descriptions of language elements such as Java identifiers that allow certain Unicode characters (that are not ASCII), but not others.
JavaCC offers Lex-like lexical state and lexical action capabilities. Specific aspects in JavaCC that are superior to other tools are the first class status it offers concepts such as
and state changes. This allows cleaner specifications as well as better error and warning messages from JavaCC. -
Tokens that are defined as special tokens in the lexical specification are ignored during parsing, but these tokens are available for processing by the tools. A useful application of this is in the processing of comments.
Lexical specifications can define tokens not to be case-sensitive either at the global level for the entire lexical specification, or on an individual lexical specification basis.
JavaCC comes with JJTree, an extremely powerful tree building pre-processor.
JavaCC also includes JJDoc, a tool that converts grammar files to documentation files, optionally in HTML.
JavaCC offers many options to customize its behavior and the behavior of the generated parsers. Examples of such options are the kinds of Unicode processing to perform on the input stream, the number of tokens of ambiguity checking to perform etc.
JavaCC error reporting is among the best in parser generators. JavaCC generated parsers are able to clearly point out the location of parse errors with complete diagnostic information.
Using options
, users can get in-depth analysis of the parsing and the token processing steps. -
The JavaCC release includes a wide range of examples including Java and HTML grammars. The examples, along with their documentation, are a great way to get acquainted with JavaCC.
The following JavaCC grammar example recognizes matching braces followed by zero or more line terminators and then an end of file.
Examples of legal strings in this grammar are:
, {% raw %}{{{{{}}}}}{% endraw %}
// ... etc
Examples of illegal strings are:
, }{}}
, { }
, {x}
// ... etc
/** Simple brace matcher. */
public class Example {
/** Main entry point. */
public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException {
Example parser = new Example(;
/** Root production. */
void Input() :
MatchedBraces() ("\n"|"\r")* <EOF>
/** Brace matching production. */
void MatchedBraces() :
"{" [ MatchedBraces() ] "}"
$ java Example
$ java Example
Lexical error at line 1, column 2. Encountered: "x"
TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 1, column 2. Encountered: "x" (120), after : ""
at ExampleTokenManager.getNextToken(
at Example.getToken(
at Example.MatchedBraces(
at Example.Input(
at Example.main(
$ java Example
ParseException: Encountered "}" at line 1, column 3.
Was expecting one of:
"\n" ...
"\r" ...
at Example.generateParseException(
at Example.jj_consume_token(
at Example.Input(
at Example.main(
The RECOMMENDED version is version 8: it separates the parser (the core) from the generators (for the different languages); development and maintenance effort will be mainly on this version.
This version lies on different Git repositories / java & maven projects / jars:
The previous versions (4, 5, 6, 7) are widely spread; effort to migrate to version 8 should be minimum.
Their last version lies on a single Git repository / java & maven project / jar:
Differences between v8 versus v7: very small at the grammar level, more important at the generated sources level:
- the javacc/jjtree grammar part is the same
- most of javacc/jjtree options should be the same, but some may be removed and others appear in v8
- the java grammar part should be nearly the same (may be some java 7 & java 8 features will appear in v8 and not in v7); in the future java 11..17..21.. features would appear only in v8)
- the C++ / C# grammar parts may be somewhat different
- some generated files are not much different, others are
If you read this, you should be under the v8 code.
You can use JavaCC either from the command line or through an IDE.
Download the latest stable release (at least the binaries and the sources) in a so called download directory:
Download the core and the generator(s) you are going to use:
JavaCC Core 8.0.1 - Binaries, Source (zip), Source (tar.gz), Javadocs
JavaCC C++ 8.0.1 - Binaries, Source (zip), Source (tar.gz), Javadocs
JavaCC C# 8.0.1 - Binaries, Source (zip), Source (tar.gz), Javadocs
JavaCC Java 8.0.1 - Binaries, Source (zip), Source (tar.gz), Javadocs
All JavaCC v8 releases are available via GitHub and Maven including checksums and cryptographic signatures.
- JavaCC 7.0.13 - Binaries, Source (zip), Source (tar.gz), Javadocs, Release Notes
All JavaCC v7 releases are available via GitHub and Maven including checksums and cryptographic signatures.
For all previous releases, please see stable releases.
To be written. Help welcomed!
Once you have downloaded the files, navigate to the download directory and unzip the sources file(s), this creating a so called JavaCC installation directory:
$ unzip
$ tar xvf javacc-7.0.13.tar.gz
Then create a new target
directory under the installation directory, and copy or move the binary file javacc-7.0.13.jar
under this target
directory, and copy or rename it to javacc.jar
Then add the scripts/
directory under the JavaCC installation directory to your PATH
. The JavaCC, JJTree, and JJDoc invocation scripts/executables reside in this directory.
On UNIX based systems, the scripts may not be executable immediately. This can be solved by using the command from the javacc-7.0.13/
chmod +x scripts/javacc
You can then create and edit a grammar file with your favorite text editor.
Then use the appropriate script for generating your parser from your grammar.
Minimal requirements for an IDE are:
- Support for Java, C++ or C#
- Support for Maven or Gradle
The IntelliJ IDE supports Maven out of the box and offers a plugin for JavaCC development.
- IntelliJ download:
- IntelliJ JavaCC Plugin:
- Eclipse download:
- Eclipse JavaCC Plugin:
Add the following plugin to your pom.xml
file, under the build plugins, or under one or more profiles.
(You must use the javacc-maven-plugin from the JavaCC organization.)
Adapt the versions, the execution(s) (goals javacc
and/or jjtree-javacc
) and the codeGenerator
setting for the generator (java
, cpp
, csharp
). Also add the configuration settings you want to override.
(You can use the javacc-maven-plugin from MojoHaus or te javacc-maven-plugin from the JavaCC organization.)
Same as above, with a single different dependency, and without the codeGenerator
To be tested / written. Help welcomed!
Add the following to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url = ''
dependencies {
compile group: '', name: 'javacc', version: '7.0.13'
To be verified / completed. Help welcomed!
The source installation directory contains the JavaCC, JJTree and JJDoc sources, launcher scripts, example grammars and documentation, and also a bootstrap version of JavaCC needed to build JavaCC.
Prerequisites for building JavaCC with this method:
- Ant (we require version 1.5.3 or above - you can get ant from
- Maven
- Java 8 (Java 9 and 10 are not yet supported)
Use the ant build script:
$ cd javacc
$ ant
This will build the javacc.jar
file in the target/
This is the preferred method for contributing to JavaCC.
Prerequisites for building JavaCC with this method:
- Git
- Ant (we require version 1.5.3 or above - you can get ant from
- Maven
- Java 8 (Java 9 and 10 are not yet supported)
Just clone the repository and then use the ant build script:
$ git clone
$ cd javacc
$ ant
This will build the javacc.jar
file in the target/
JavaCC is by far the most popular parser generator used with Java applications with an estimated user base of over 1,000 users and more than 100,000 downloads to date.
It is maintained by the developer community which includes the original authors and Chris Ainsley, Tim Pizney and Francis Andre.
Open an issue if you found a bug in JavaCC.
If you use version 7, open it here;
if you use version 8 and you do not know to which part it is related (the core or a generator), open it here; if you are sure of the project it is related to, open it in the issues section of the project.
Don’t hesitate to ask!
Contact the developers and community on the Google user group or email us at JavaCC Support if you need any help.
For questions relating to development please join our Slack channel.
The documentation of JavaCC is located on the website and in the docs/
directory of the source code on GitHub javacc or GitHub javacc-8.
It includes detailed documentation for JavaCC, JJTree, and JJDoc.
- Dos Reis, Anthony J., Compiler Construction Using Java, JavaCC, and Yacc., Wiley-Blackwell 2012. ISBN 0-4709495-9-7 (book, pdf).
- Copeland, Tom, Generating Parsers with JavaCC., Centennial Books, 2007. ISBN 0-9762214-3-8 (book).
- JavaCC tutorials.
- Introduction to JavaCC by Theodore S. Norvell.
- Incorporating language processing into Java applications: a JavaCC tutorial by Viswanathan Kodaganallur.
- Looking for lex and yacc for Java? You don't know Jack by Chuck Mcmanis.
- Build your own languages with JavaCC by Oliver Enseling.
- Writing an Interpreter Using JavaCC by Anand Rajasekar.
- Building a lexical analyzer with JavaCC by Keyvan Akbary.
- Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi and Jeffrey D. Ullman, Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2006, ISBN 0-3211314-3-6 (book, pdf).
- Charles N. Fischer and Richard J. Leblanc, Jr., Crafting a Compiler with C., Pearson, 1991. ISBN 0-8053216-6-7 (book).
JavaCC is used in many commercial applications and open source projects.
The following list highlights a few notable JavaCC projects that run interesting use cases in production, with links to the relevant grammar specifications.
User | Use Case | Grammar File(s) |
Apache ActiveMQ | Parsing JMS selector statements | SelectorParser.jj, HyphenatedParser.jj |
Apache Avro | Parsing higher-level languages into Avro Schema | idl.jj |
Apache Calcite | Parsing SQL statements | Parser.jj |
Apache Camel | Parsing stored SQL templates | sspt.jj |
Apache Jena | Parsing queries written in SPARQL, ARQ, SSE, Turtle and JSON | sparql_10, sparql_11, arq.jj, sse.jj, turtle.jj, json.jj |
Apache Lucene | Parsing search queries | QueryParser.jj |
Apache Tomcat | Parsing Expression Language (EL) and JSON | ELParser.jjt, JSONParser.jj |
Apache Zookeeper | Optimising serialisation/deserialisation of Hadoop I/O records | rcc.jj |
Java Parser | Parsing Java language files | java.jj |
JavaCC is an open source project released under the BSD License 2.0. The JavaCC project was originally developed at Sun Microsystems Inc. by Sreeni Viswanadha and Sriram Sankar.