- uses app-id authentication; takes "VAULT_APP_ID" and "VAULT_USER_ID" as env variables. If VAULT_USER_ID is not set, it defaults to using the system uuid
This is a lookup module for secrets stored in HashiCorp Vault.
The plugin is currently written for ansible 2.0 but a working version for ansible 1.9 exists under the 1.0.0 tag.
lookup plugins can be loaded from several different locations similar to $PATH, see docs.
The address to the Vault server and the auth token are fetched from environment variables
export VAULT_ADDR=
export VAULT_TOKEN=56f48aef-8ad3-a0c4-447b-8e96990776ff
ansible-vault then works as any other lookup plugin.
- debug: msg="{{ lookup('vault', 'secret/foo', 'value') }}"
# templates/example.j2
# Generic secrets
{{ lookup('vault', 'secret/hello').value }} # world
# Specify field inside lookup
{{ lookup('vault', 'secret/hello', 'value') }} # world
# Dynamic secret
{% set aws = lookup('vault', 'aws/creds/deploy') %}
access_key = {{ aws.access_key }} # AKSCAIZSFSYHFGA
secret_key = {{ aws.secret_key }} # 4XSLxDUS+hyXgoIHEhCKExHDGAJDHFiUA/adi