Files for Data Mining and Management of atlatszoerdely projects
#Installation on Ubuntu ##Git Client You need this to get the contents of this repository.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
Install OpenJDK. Java is needed for Neo4j.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-9-jre
This is the Graph Database that will Store All of Our Data
Follow the instructions as described here:
Long Story Short: Neo4j Is not an official Ubuntu / Debian Package therefore you will have to add it's location to your computers repository paths. After it's done, make sure to refresh your Package Installer and then Install neo4j
##Python2.7 Interpreter
Python scripts will help us interpret massive amounts of data and move them to the Database
Use a Precompiled Python Interpreter:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python2.7
###pip package installer for Python This is a Package Manager for Python. It eases installing python packages a lot. The same idea as for Ubuntu package manager, in this case for a smaller system (Python only)
sudo apt-get install python-pip
###neo4j python connector This is needed for Python to communicate with the neo4j DB
pip install neo4j-driver
##OpenOffice Editing and Viewing Datasets from Excel and / or Word Files. You can use LibreOffice as well as an alternative.
sudo apt-get libreoffice
#Installation on Windows Download the Installers and simply Execute them.
#Using the Contract Importer
##1. Checkout this Git Repository
Create a folder that you will use as a Repo Dir
mkdir ~/atlatszoerdely
cd ~/atlatszoerdely
git clone
##2. Go to folder and start the import process
cd ~/atlatszoerdely/lib/contracts
python -f "<full path of the csv file>" -o "<Name of the Organization>"
#Utils ##Delete all Items from the Database
##Number of Contracts between an Organization and a Company, in Descending Order
MATCH (o:Organization)-[k:CONTRACTED]->(c:Company)
RETURN AS Organization, AS Company, count(k) as nContracts, COLLECT(k) as Contracts
ORDER BY nContracts DESC