use Audio::SunVox::FFI ':all';
# Initialise
my $audiodriver = 'asio';
my $audiodevice = 1;
my $buffer = 256;
my $frequency = 48_000;
my $channels = 2;
sv_init( "audiodriver=$audiodriver|audiodevice=$audiodevice|buffer=$buffer", $frequency, $channels );
# Open a "slot" - an instance of SunVox
my $slot = 0;
sv_open_slot( $slot );
# Create a "generator" oscillator
sv_lock_slot( $slot );
my $generator = sv_new_module( $slot, "Generator", "foo name" );
sv_connect_module( $slot, $generator, 0 ); # 0 is Output
sv_unlock_slot( $slot );
# Send an event to the generator
sv_set_event_t( $slot, 1, 0 ); # Process events in real time
sv_set_module_ctl_value( $slot, $generator, 7, 0, 2 ); # Disable sustain
sv_set_module_ctl_value( $slot, $generator, 4, 200, 2 ); # Set release value
sv_send_event( $slot, 0, 50, 127, $generator + 1 ); # Send a note on event
# ^ Why $generator + 1? Dunno yet...
# Save the patch
sv_save( $slot, 'awesome_patch.sunvox' );
# Clean up
sv_close_slot( 0 );
SunVox is a modular synthesizer with pattern-based sequencer (tracker). The SunVox library is a free library offering access to the facilities offered by SunVox, minus the frontend, allowing for real-time control of sequences and playback.
This module offers Perl bindings for the SunVox library.
This distribution is currently in alpha. The bindings interface (this module) is unlikely to change significantly, though it may benefit from some niceties - make function parameters as consistent as possible, easier audio device discovery, automagic locking, object interface and so on. That is, it is not as feature complete and usable as I would wish.
Before using this library, I would recommend trying out the complete SunVox tracker application for your platform to familiarise yourself with its capabilities and terminology. A detailed User manual for SunVox is available.
As this is a more-or-less direct binding to the library, the SunVox library manual should also provide a useful reference.
What follows is some terminology used by SunVox, with a focus on the synthesizer components rather than the sequencer - learning to use a tracker is left to the reader as an exercise.
A slot is an independent instance of the SunVox engine, with its own set of sequences and modules. You may create up to 16 of these, numbered from zero to fifteen.
Modules perform the functions of a modular synthesizer - they perform some task as part of a connected chain of modules, passing audio or control signals between each other in order to play back or perform music.
In SunVox these tasks are separated into three broad categories, synths (often called oscillators in other modular systems), effects, and misc (often called utility modules).
Synths are the noise makers, the sound producing components of the modular system. They vary from basic oscillators and samplers, to complex additive systems like FM and spectrographic synthesis.
Examples of Synths in SunVox include Generator, Sampler, FM, SpectraVoice, and DrumSynth.
These modules shape and colour the sound provided by synths to provide a sense of movement, or just to make it sound good to your ears.
Examples of Effects in SunVox include Filter, Delay, Reverb, Distortion, and Compressor.
Misc modules are those which do not fit into either category above. They usually provide useful services for directing the parameters of other modules. The provide facilities such as envelopes, portamento (glide between notes), pitch following, and signal routing and duplication.
Examples of Misc modules in SunVox include ADSR, Glide, Pitch Detector, and MultiSynth.
MetaModule is a stand out misc-category module. It is a module of modules. That is, it allows for the creation of custom modules using existing modules as building blocks.
It may be possible to create MetaModules using the sunvox library by creating and loading patches as MetaModules, though a means of mapping controllers to MetaModule components does not appear to be available currently.
Module 0 is a special module called "Output", which is always present. This module represents the output side of the configured audio interface.
A corresponding synth module called "Input" may be instantiated to route audio from the input of your audio interface for, e.g. live performance or sampling of another instrument.
Connections between modules may be created in any arbitrary combination, though only some of these make sense, e.g. the classic oscillator -> filter -> output chain (if you noticed the absence of a VCA and envelope generator here, note that SunVox synths usually incorporate their own envelopes and amplitude control, as well as filters and filter envelopes in some cases).
Any set of modules hoping to produce a sound must ultimately be connected to the Output module.
All comments and contributions welcome.
Please direct all requests to
Powered by SunVox (modular synth & tracker), Copyright (c) 2008 - 2024, Alexander Zolotov <[email protected]>,