An iOS and Android NBA app created with React Native. If you would like to request a feature, find a bug, have a question, or would like to leave feedback, open an issue! βοΈ this repo to show support!
- iOS - Download here!
- Android - Coming soon!
- Scores and stats for in-progress and completed games
- Detailed play by play
- Full team stats for a season
- Full player stats for a season and over their career
- Detailed player game stat graphs
- Conference rankings
- League leaders
- Videos and highlights (coming soon)
- Compare two players (coming soon)
nba.js (custom and modified implementation to work with React Native)
Test your React Native App on your iPhone
How to Submit to the App Store
Fork (optional) and clone repo
git clone && cd NBAreact
Install and link dependencies
npm install npm link
npm run start:ios npm run start:iphoneX npm run start:android (an emulator must be running first)