Clone of the old google reader. Reader of feeds, rss news.
- Open source.
- Responsive.
- Search in all feeds
- Remote login.
- Import subscriptions.xml and starred.json from google reader.
- Remote Storage.
- Multi language. ['en', 'es', 'pt', 'zh']
- Share entries in social networks.
- Keyboard navigation {'j': 'next', 'k': 'prev', 'u': 'expand', 's': 'toogle start', 'm': 'toogle unread' };
- List view or expanded view for item viewing.
- Automatic marking of items as read as they scrolled past (expanded view only).
Powered with codeigniter, simplepie, jquery, bootstrap
Clon de google reader. Lector de feeds, rss, noticias.
- Open source.
- Responsive.
- Buscar en todos los articulos.
- Login remoto.
- Importa subscriptions.xml y starred.json de google reader.
- Remote Storage.
- Multi idioma. ['en', 'es', 'pt', 'zh']
- Links para compartir en redes sociales.
- Atajos de teclado {'j': 'next', 'k': 'prev', 'u': 'expand', 's': 'toogle start', 'm': 'toogle unread' };
- Vista de lista y vista expandida para visualizar artículos.
- Marcado automático de los artículos como leídos al desplazarse hacia abajo (solo en vista expandida).
Desarrrollado con codeigniter, simplepie, jquery, bootstrap
beta / demo:
Install php, apache, mysql:
sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server php5-mysql php5-curl php5-gd php5-tidy apache2-mpm-prefork libapache2-mod-php5
Enable apache modules:
sudo a2enmod headers rewrite deflate sudo service apache2 restart
Install git and download cloneReader source
sudo apt-get install git cd /var/www/html/ sudo git clone sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/cloneReader/ sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/html/cloneReader/
Restore database:
sudo mysql -u root -proot < [PATH_TO_CLONEREADER]/db/cloneReader_empty.sql With firefox, go to http://localhost/cloneReader Login with username: [email protected] password:root
Add crontab
- php [PATH_TO_CLONEREADER]/index.php process/scanAllFeeds
- php [PATH_TO_CLONEREADER]/index.php process saveEntitiesSearch/null/true
- php [PATH_TO_CLONEREADER]/index.php process/rescanAll404Feeds
- php [PATH_TO_CLONEREADER]/index.php process/deleteOldEntries
- php [PATH_TO_CLONEREADER]/index.php tasks/sendEmails
If rewrite not work, please see: