basicNVR is a lightweight Network Video Recorder (NVR) built around the popular motion repository.
It simplifies recording and managing video streams from IP cameras.
It offers features like:
Motion detection recording
File management with automatic deletion
SQLite database for recording information
User interface for simple browsing recordings, by date and time with video consolodation as requested.
Admin interface for configuration
HTTP API access for getting JPEGs (used by AlertAway for example)
exmple system screen shots:
The system is currently running successfully for several years on an Intel J5005 machine with Ubuntu 18.04.
It manages 7 PoE IP cameras.
The website ( is registered.
SSH Tunnel check in watchdog.
Improve url templates.
Upgrade Motion.
Implement pass-through streaming in motion (possibly using motionplus)
Develop a tool (HTML) for creating "motion control masks"
Add internal communication to MQTT in addition to current HTTP.
Improve the user interface
Design website content for
This system has gone through several iterations, starting with USB webcams and coaxial CCTV cameras before transitioning to fully utilizing ONVIF/RTSP IP cameras. Some legacy stuff can still be used but may go away.